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aryt alasti aryt.alasti at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 18:42:25 CET 2020

The Sunrise Movement has come to differing conclusions, and provides some



On Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 11:21 AM David Stodolsky <dss at socialinformatics.org>

> On 8 Jan 2020, at 04:37, Rand Strauss <Rand at PeopleCount.org> wrote:
> We don’t have a democracy.  Humanity has never had a true representative
> democracy of any large number of people.
> It is wise to apply technically correct terms, when dealing with disputed
> concepts. Until the formation of the USA, “democracy” meant “Athens” - a
> form of governance in which people vote directly on the issues. My
> “eDemocracy review” provides a summary:
> https://groups.io/g/yellowvests/wiki/eDemocracy-and-Athenian-democracy
> The current usage of “democracy” can be considered one of the greatest
> propaganda victories in history. When Benjamin Franklin was asked the
> result of the constitutional convention he said, “A republic, if you can
> keep it.” This is a technically correct characterization. A governance
> system in which people select others to decide issues is a republic.
> So, a "representative democracy” is a republican form of government. The
> major conceptual challenge is defining operationally what is meant by
> “representative.” Other terms, such as "accountability,” face the same
> problem, with no theoretically rigorous answer in sight. The only solution
> to this quandary is to empirically determine the degree to which
> governmental decisions reflect the desires of the population. A recent
> study suggest that citizens have no such influence in the USA:
> Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups
> representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on
> U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest
> groups have little or no independent influence.
> https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf
> dss
> David Stodolsky, PhD                   Institute for Social Informatics
> Tornskadestien 2, st. th., DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
> dss at socialinformatics.org          Tel./Signal: +45 3095 4070
> --
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