[liberationtech] Would you like to put the list under permanent moderation?

Griffin griffin at cryptolab.net
Fri Jan 10 01:04:12 CET 2020

On 2020-01-04 18:58, Yosem Companys wrote:
> Hey All,
> As you might recall, I am one of the moderators of the Liberationtech
> list.
> I recommend that we switch the list from emergency to permanent
> moderation to preempt posts that violate list guidelines (see below).

   I agree, although moderation-as-default has become very (and I would 
say unduly) controversial in recent years.  Moderation solves a lot of 
problems and while it's a tool often brought in for active problems, 
it's much better as a tool for preventing flame wars, spam, and weird 
off-topic discussions.


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