[liberationtech] Fwd: DHS Releases NTAS Bulletin
Eric Tykwinski
eric-list at truenet.com
Sun Jan 5 00:58:57 CET 2020
Expect more filtering from any ASN on RIPE with registration from Iran.
It’s mainly political, as the government can easily purchase services from outside, but may effect people inside Iran as well.
IMHO it’s probably cheaper and easier to purchase some AWS/Google/OVH/Hetzner, et al instances for attacks like everyone else, but that’s common sense.
Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "US-CERT" <US-CERT at public.govdelivery.com>
> Subject: DHS Releases NTAS Bulletin
> Date: January 4, 2020 at 6:14:20 PM EST
> To: eric at truenet.com
> Reply-To: US-CERT at public.govdelivery.com
> <>
> National Cyber Awareness System:
> DHS Releases NTAS Bulletin <https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2020/01/04/dhs-releases-ntas-bulletin>
> 01/04/2020 05:51 PM EST
> Original release date: January 4, 2020
> Stakeholders,
> Today, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf reissued the NTAS bulletin pertaining to the terror threat to the U.S. homeland. Upfront, you should know that: “At this time there is no specific, credible threat against the homeland.” You can read the new, entire bulletin at National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin - January 4, 2020 <https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/ntas/alerts/20_0104_ntas_bulletin.pdf>.
> As the nation’s risk advisor, CISA is sharing this directly with you, our partners, to ensure you have the latest information from the Department of Homeland Security. As appropriate, we will provide protective measures when and if our understanding of the risk changes. However, do not wait for us to have the best or only idea – collective defense works best when we share what works, collectively and collaboratively.
> Stay vigilant, stay connected, and help us – if you See Something, Say Something. For useful tips, resources and information about our offerings, and how to reach us and report information, related to the Bulletin, please visit CISA.gov <https://www.cisa.gov/>.
> Respectfully,
> Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
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> This email was sent to eric at truenet.com <mailto:eric at truenet.com> using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) · 245 Murray Lane SW Bldg 410 · Washington, DC 20598 · (888) 282-0870
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