[liberationtech] Time to Switch to Discord & Mozilla Firefox?
Nathan Andrew Fain
nathan at squimp.com
Thu Jun 27 17:17:14 CEST 2019
Cryptpad is not a Discord replacement (no chat rooms). It works well for
collaborative rich document editing with e2e encryption and is
self-hosted. Have been using it for a while now with no issues. Very
promising. It is slow to load which seems to turn some people off. It is
also nodejs based and worthy of isolation from other services.
On 6/27/19 2:45 PM, Joseph Pollack wrote:
> dear colleagues,
> Just as a side note
> * rocket.chat 's privacy features are simply encrypted rooms that are
> 0 wiped on close and
> * x wiki has some kinda of spin off originally called cryptpad, now
> something else that lets you do collaborative documents all encrypted
> * both are open source... let me know i know both chairmen so I can
> perhaps assure privileged access
> Other than that lmk how i can help as i can easily provide a "third
> party" service to this group for a given amount of time if you want to
> pilot something.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:29 PM Brian Behlendorf <brian at behlendorf.com
> <mailto:brian at behlendorf.com>> wrote:
> On 26 June 2019 4:36:31 PM GMT+08:00, axel simon
> <axelsimon at axelsimon.net <mailto:axelsimon at axelsimon.net>> wrote:
> >Yes, I've seen quite a few deployments of Rocket.chat, the entire
> >Hyperledger project congregates on one, as does the Sovrin project (a
> >public good network providing Self-Sovereign Identity), maybe
> >unsurprisingly as it is strongly linked to Hyperledger Indy.
> Speaking for Hyperledger, our priorities are likely different than
> most here. We care more about permanence - making sure that ad-hoc
> discussions related to the development or use of Open Source
> software can still be discovered and referenced long after the code
> it's related to has been committed, so that latent assumptions about
> requirements or users or debates about architecture etc can be seen
> by devs years later trying to figure out if code is broken or why
> the bike shed is purple or whatever. Privacy and confidentiality and
> anonymity are not thus priorities; there are better solutions to
> that. Slack would have been fine but doesn't keep more than 10k
> messages.
> Confidential conversations are an anti pattern in open source
> development (except regarding personal issues, eg poisonous
> people,etc - in which case, use other tools). But in much of what
> else the LT community focuses on its probably essential.
> Brian
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
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