[liberationtech] Time to Switch to Discord & Mozilla Firefox?
Joseph Pollack
josephrichardpollack at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 14:45:21 CEST 2019
dear colleagues,
Just as a side note
- rocket.chat 's privacy features are simply encrypted rooms that are 0
wiped on close and
- x wiki has some kinda of spin off originally called cryptpad, now
something else that lets you do collaborative documents all encrypted
- both are open source... let me know i know both chairmen so I can
perhaps assure privileged access
Other than that lmk how i can help as i can easily provide a "third party"
service to this group for a given amount of time if you want to pilot
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:29 PM Brian Behlendorf <brian at behlendorf.com>
> On 26 June 2019 4:36:31 PM GMT+08:00, axel simon <axelsimon at axelsimon.net>
> wrote:
> >Yes, I've seen quite a few deployments of Rocket.chat, the entire
> >Hyperledger project congregates on one, as does the Sovrin project (a
> >public good network providing Self-Sovereign Identity), maybe
> >unsurprisingly as it is strongly linked to Hyperledger Indy.
> Speaking for Hyperledger, our priorities are likely different than most
> here. We care more about permanence - making sure that ad-hoc discussions
> related to the development or use of Open Source software can still be
> discovered and referenced long after the code it's related to has been
> committed, so that latent assumptions about requirements or users or
> debates about architecture etc can be seen by devs years later trying to
> figure out if code is broken or why the bike shed is purple or whatever.
> Privacy and confidentiality and anonymity are not thus priorities; there
> are better solutions to that. Slack would have been fine but doesn't keep
> more than 10k messages.
> Confidential conversations are an anti pattern in open source development
> (except regarding personal issues, eg poisonous people,etc - in which case,
> use other tools). But in much of what else the LT community focuses on its
> probably essential.
> Brian
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
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