[liberationtech] Revealed: Seven years later, how Facebook shuts down free speech in Egypt | Middle East Eye

Cristina efecto99 at riseup.net
Sun Jan 28 07:53:34 PST 2018

On 28/01/18 12:10, Thomas Delrue wrote:
> On 01/28/2018 08:07 AM, Cristina wrote:
>> I agree on most people is using FB, Telegram, WA, and Google products
>> to interact and search for information. I agree on Thomas'
>> observations, but in the middle we have a problem: the vacuum has to
>> be filled... with education? with what?
> We do have a problem but we try the same thing over and over again,

what on my statement suggested you I m talking about being doing the
same things?
I'm really tired of this fight, at the same time I can't abandon it
definitely. Don't know why.

> - but this time with 50% more
> javascript or whatever the fad of the day is.
··· part of the reasons: Internet today is harder than before, its
almost impossible to navigate, lots of newspapers bloke the navigation
unless you take off your add blocker or subscribe to them, the net
neutrality is almost lost on the papers, but I see is already lost in
fact in different scenarios. Devices are each year more difficult to
hack to install them Free Software, and so on. And so on.

> I mentioned this before: the problem is not the technology because that
> would make a solution easy, the problem is the people.
But are the ones we have  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Education is not functioning, not on large scales, not even in small
scales... i would say is a one-by-one very slowly process. And that
doesn't help (again) on situations like huge oppressions, Human Right
violations over thousands and millions of people. The heavy pressure of
the world order we are living in and the speed of changes (social and
technological ones) are going faster than our tiny efforts.

> We don't need more implementations or rehashing of the same idea, we
> need different ideas and along the way to get there, as you rightfully
> suggest, we need education above all. This requires that we call things
> by their proper names and not dilly-dally around.

I agree on call things by their proper names.
I don't know if the solution is to try to implement on school the
teaching of PGP (not even on hight school or equivalent): if we are
talking on large education is the only massive way. Once you are alone
and have to look for the education by yourself very few people do it,
and you can't find easily something if you don't even know what you are
looking for. It remains me to an spiritual exploration...
Tell me how could it be possible to implement a change on educational
curricula in favor of freedom of people and I send you a present to any
place of the world were you were.

People usually learn that technology (and implications of technology, in
general) from themselves and as I said above: even on those cases they
will be isolated for a long time from their close buddies and co workers
and even jobs, because it's not easy or quickly to have the disposition
to change.
In the end I agree with you: is a sociological problem. And as we know,
those kind of problems can't be solved by using force or imposed
changes. I only see a light on this path on awakening one person here,
other there.. maybe 5 on the other side... until all collapse and then
we could have a renovated attitude from our fellow human beings to do
something different.

I'm apologize about my poor English vocabulary, and about my tiredness.
I will not follow (at least today) the discussion on the thread because
takes me a lot of time to redact/compose in English.
Thanks for reading and for the exchange.

Cristina (99)

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