[liberationtech] Revealed: Seven years later, how Facebook shuts down free speech in Egypt | Middle East Eye

Thomas Delrue thomas at epistulae.net
Sun Jan 28 07:10:13 PST 2018

On 01/28/2018 08:07 AM, Cristina wrote:
> I agree on most people is using FB, Telegram, WA, and Google products
> to interact and search for information. I agree on Thomas'
> observations, but in the middle we have a problem: the vacuum has to
> be filled... with education? with what?

We do have a problem but we try the same thing over and over again,
expecting a different result: something doesn't work, just do another
implementation of the same solution - but this time with 50% more
javascript or whatever the fad of the day is.
I mentioned this before: the problem is not the technology because that
would make a solution easy, the problem is the people.
We don't need more implementations or rehashing of the same idea, we
need different ideas and along the way to get there, as you rightfully
suggest, we need education above all. This requires that we call things
by their proper names and not dilly-dally around.

> I don't know. But to say "people is dumb" is not enough and will not 
> stop them, specially those living under desperate situations.

There's a difference between calling /people/ dumb and calling
/behaviors/ dumb. Although it is very satisfying to call people dumb,
you are correct that this is unproductive. So let's stick to calling the
behavior dumb(*).
But sanity is not statistical: it's not because a lot of people are
doing X that the behavior of doing X is not a dumb behavior nor does it
provide an excuse to not be called out as the dumb thing it is. This is
part of the education that, I think we all agree on, is sorely needed.
I'll refer back to the leper in my original answer...

(*) But you'll pry out of my cold, dead hands my right to call people
dumb /inside my own head/.

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