[liberationtech] Revealed: Seven years later, how Facebook shuts down free speech in Egypt | Middle East Eye
Thomas Delrue
thomas at epistulae.net
Sun Jan 28 08:24:39 PST 2018
On 01/28/2018 10:53 AM, Cristina wrote:
> On 28/01/18 12:10, Thomas Delrue wrote:
>> On 01/28/2018 08:07 AM, Cristina wrote:
>>> I agree on most people is using FB, Telegram, WA, and Google products
>>> to interact and search for information. I agree on Thomas'
>>> observations, but in the middle we have a problem: the vacuum has to
>>> be filled... with education? with what?
>> We do have a problem but we try the same thing over and over again,
> what on my statement suggested you I m talking about being doing the
> same things?
> I'm really tired of this fight, at the same time I can't abandon it
> definitely. Don't know why.
I wasn't suggesting you are trying the same thing over and over again. I
was suggesting that the collective "we" is doing that. Apologies for not
expressing myself enough.
>> We don't need more implementations or rehashing of the same idea, we
>> need different ideas and along the way to get there, as you rightfully
>> suggest, we need education above all. This requires that we call things
>> by their proper names and not dilly-dally around.
> I agree on call things by their proper names.
> I don't know if the solution is to try to implement on school the
> teaching of PGP (not even on hight school or equivalent): if we are
> talking on large education is the only massive way. Once you are alone
> and have to look for the education by yourself very few people do it,
> and you can't find easily something if you don't even know what you are
> looking for. It remains me to an spiritual exploration...
> Tell me how could it be possible to implement a change on educational
> curricula in favor of freedom of people and I send you a present to any
> place of the world were you were.
The Network Effect worked for FB; can we make it work for us as well? Or
in other words: be the change you wish to see in the world. Start small
and teach those around you; while you're at it, teach them how to teach
others and watch it multiply...
And I know that you (now I /am/ talking to you, individually) are indeed
doing that! I'm not expecting anyone to change hundreds of people's
minds, but it's not unreasonable to expect someone to influence a small
handful of people, even if that means only one, two or three, and have
things grow from there...
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