[liberationtech] RightsCon Monday Sessions on Training - Come Join Us!

Carol Waters (CWaters@INTERNEWS.ORG) CWaters at INTERNEWS.ORG
Sun Mar 2 17:56:29 PST 2014

With apologies for the early hour and hearty promises to make it worth your time (we won't drone on as you nap in the aisles), we'd like to warmly invite SF-bound RightsCon attendees to join us for two training-focused workshops at 9 am and 11 am tomorrow in the Fisher East Demo Room (as part of the ghost cluster of sessions before the formal 1 pm start time). In-depth descriptions of both sessions can be found at the top of the schedule here: https://www.rightscon.org/program.php.

The first (9 – 11 am) will focus on Holistic Approaches to Digital Security training and support and be led by The Center for Victims of Torture, IREX, and Tactical Tech.

The second (11am-1 pm) will be a broad discussion of what trainers are hearing from high-risk training participants worldwide (particularly in the wake of Snowden), new approaches to training, and will highlight new tools for trainers and successful tailored awareness-raising campaigns for high-risk communities. Led by Internews, Tactical Tech, Tibet Action Institute, and others.

Looking forward to some great conversations despite the early hour!

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