[liberationtech] For those of you who can't attend | RightsCon Website - Livestream

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 3 13:22:04 PST 2014

From: Access Now <access at accessnow.org>

Be a part of Access' premier global summit on tech and human rights!
Tune in to the RIghtsCon livestream, and join the conversation on your
favorite social media platform.


We are so excited to bring you so many incredible speakers: activists
from Ukraine, Uganda, Turkey, and more; top engineers from companies
like Google and Facebook, leading thinkers and academics, government
representatives from around the world.

Access' Executive Director Brett Solomon will welcome participants,
and we'll swing immediately into programming, with sessions featuring
Mitchell Baker, Chairperson of Mozilla, Marietje Schaake, MEP from the
Netherlands, Morgan Marquis-Boire of Citizen Lab, Joe Sullivan, Chief
Security Officer of Facebook, and activists from Ukraine, Uganda,
Turkey, and more.

Be sure to visit the conference site, www.rightscon.org. It's the
central hub for everything about the conference, including details
about speakers, program agenda, and session details, as well as
tweets, a liveblog of all key sessions, and an update on the
livestream schedule.

In addition, here are some other ways you can participate at RightsCon
without getting out of your pajamas:

Watch the stream online on Facebook,
Follow the conversation with our live blogs,
Join in via Twitter #rightscon or @accessnow, or on Google+ to comment
and ask questions.

Join us at RightsCon from anywhere: Watch our livestream!

RightsCon is the only conference dedicated to helping companies,
governments, and civil society address the challenges -- and
opportunities -- of tech and human rights. And it wouldn't be possible
without the support of Access community members like you.

Thank you,

Jon Fox
Global Advocacy Manager, Access

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