[liberationtech] OpenSource Justice Tech ZARIYA - UNESCO competition

Sahar Khan sahark26 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 04:45:37 PDT 2014

Justice Problem-solving Technology ZARIYA (connect to justice) is nominated
for the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition - an international
contest launched by The Goi Peace Foundation, Stiftung Entrepreneurship
(Berlin) and UNESCO. With just a click, you can vote for us: https://

This platform aims to incentivize entry to a justice by providing a virtual
space of transparency, accountability and safety for women facing
violence/trauma. We do this by offering anonymous reporting tools,
crowdmapping of danger zones and connections to service providers.

The technology is built at Code For India.
Please help us spread the word. You can use the following for tweeting:
zariya in UNESCO comp @ycompete #empoweringwomen, open source tech for
justice problem-solving, vote: http://bit.ly/1mR8kOV

While 4 billion people in the world are not protected by their justice
systems due to accessibility issues (IJM, Locust Effect), 5.1 billion have
access to a mobile phone. Zariya endeavors to leverage access to technology
to enhance entry to justice.

Sahar Khan
Stanford University|Class of 2013
Haas Fellow|HiiL Innovating Justice (www.hiil.org)
T: +31618177407|E: *sahark26 at gmail.com <sahark26 at gmail.com>,
sahar.khan at hiil.org <sahar.khan at hiil.org>*|Skype: *saharkhan100*
W: http://www.linkedin.com/in/khansahar|
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