[liberationtech] Atomic Analogy of Poverty at UMass - e4CDps' publication
Ram Poudel
rpoudel at engin.umass.edu
Sat Jul 5 17:59:17 PDT 2014
Dear Colleagues
I got your reference from @Liberationtech to post message to you all;
please bear with me once for this unsolicited email.
I am Ram Poudel, Assistant Professor at Institute of Engineering
(website: http://www.ioe.edu.np/) Nepal, currently in sabbatical - and
PhD student, at Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(CEERE) at University of Massachusetts Amherst. My research area is
Energy Access and Poverty Dynamics.
A brief introduction about me at LinkedIn:
I invite you to have a look at our manuscript "Atomic Analogy of
Poverty", say AAP,(also includes the Letter to the Editor) we have
submitted to the Science. Unfortunately, the manuscript could not
receive enough priority rating during the initial screening process,
and hence rejected without any review - a fate of the poverty!
Please find both the documents at: https://sites.google.com/site/aap2public/
I was left with no choice other than sharing it directly with you
hoping you to evaluate it and recommend me appropriate course of
actions, and to spread AAP to the wider audiences. Please feel free to
circulate to your network- should you believe it worth spreading. I do
strongly believe in AAP that it may steer current research on Poverty
to a new direction.
I hope to collaborate with you in near future to consolidate our
efforts for greater public commonwealth.
I sincerely look forward to hearing your feedback/critique. Thank you.
Ram C. Poudel
Skype: poudelrc
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
together". -African Proverb
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