[liberationtech] course on surveillance and privacy
Michael Dahan
dahanm at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 13:43:34 PST 2014
I teach a similar course - haven't had issues with access or academic
freedom. My biggest challenge has been convincing the students of the
importance of privacy. I finally resorted to pulling up stuff on students
from social media as well as demonstrating in class vulnerability of
Bluetooth on their cell phones... Making it personal brings the point
On Feb 5, 2014 11:34 PM, "Katharine Sarikakis" <
katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at> wrote:
> I am teaching a course on surveillance and privacy next semester, covering
> a. NSA case and b. social media case as state vs/& corporate arms of
> surveillance.
> Anyone facing issues with access to documents? Or other legal issues?
> Would be good to briefly get suggestions for legally accessible re/sources
> but also experiences as to extent of compromise and possibly subsequent
> restriction of academic freedom.
> with thanks
> Katharine
> Prof. Dr. Katharine Sarikakis
> Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
> Universität Wien
> Währinger Strasse 29
> A-1090 Wien
> Tel.: +43 1 4277 49394
> Dienstmobil: -+43 664 60277 49394
> Fax: +43 1 4277 49316
> E-mail: katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at
> http://publizistik.univie.ac.at
> http://www.sarikakis.info
> --
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