[liberationtech] course on surveillance and privacy
Katharine Sarikakis
katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at
Wed Feb 5 13:34:32 PST 2014
I am teaching a course on surveillance and privacy next semester, covering a. NSA case and b. social media case as state vs/& corporate arms of surveillance.
Anyone facing issues with access to documents? Or other legal issues? Would be good to briefly get suggestions for legally accessible re/sources but also experiences as to extent of compromise and possibly subsequent restriction of academic freedom.
with thanks
Prof. Dr. Katharine Sarikakis
Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Universität Wien
Währinger Strasse 29
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 4277 49394
Dienstmobil: -+43 664 60277 49394
Fax: +43 1 4277 49316
E-mail: katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at
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