[liberationtech] Secret European deals to hand over private data to America

Arjen Kamphuis arjen at gendo.ch
Mon Jul 1 08:21:56 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA1


On 07/01/2013 03:44 PM, taxakis wrote:
> Of course not, Eugen! They all know it. But now there's proof. 
> Tangible documents stamped Top Secret. And there's a witness, 
> Snowden, who plainly details it in front of a TV camera. And in a 
> fairly articulate way.  And then, they see the US administration 
> going on tilt due to that.  Mr. Kerry and others want Snowden's 
> blood.  Even threatening other nations, Russia, Ecuador.  Before
> that it was all hearsay. Some politicians for a long time only
> licked on the edges of the Tony Bunyan report telling the world
> about Echelon. It was all illusive, probably true, but then still
> illusive; no real meat for politicians.  Now they know for sure
> that it's true beyond their wildest imagination.  And now they're
> all sharpening the knives.....

I actually see very little knife sharpening. Happy that the
son-of-ACTA is in the freezer for a bit but that does nothing for the
privacy of half a billion Europeans.

Given that the EU policy apparatus already had a good set of policy
ideas in july 2001 (see my article
it is rather curious that not a single MEP or EU commisioner has
proposed any of them (on or off the record - I've been mailing with
several of them over the last week).

As one of the many people who have spent over a decade talking to
government officials, elected representatives and the occasional
minister about this stuff the response so far is one of deafening silence.

None of the angy foot-stamping does anything. Moving European
information systems out of the US sphere of influence would do
something. Have European data only on European soil. Running on
systems not owned in any way by US companies. Use only FOSS for
antyhing more serious than the membership administration of the local
tennisclub. Instruct all citizens on the use of FOSS as part of the
mandatory national educational programs. Promote preinstalled FOSS on
client systems for sale to consumers. Educate all citizens on basic
infosec concepts, behaviours and tools for free. Invest in better FOSS
tools and apps. Ban the manadatory use of things like Gmail, Windows,
Facebook in government funded educational systems. Ban US companies
from touching European medical data-processing systems. etc etc ect...

None of the above is anything that has not been said and written by
many advocates over the last 20 years orso. The only question is, will
European governments actually *do* something this time?

This case is a great litmus test for where European governments are.
Will they keep 'talking' with a government that has shown utter
disrespect for the most basic rights of 95.5% humans on this planet?
Or will they do the only job that justifies their existence: take
immediate and concrete steps toward protecting the rights of *their*

In the coming months governments or individual European nations can
show themselves to be democratic governments or US vassals.

Predicted vassals:
- - The UK
- - Ireland
- - Denmark
- - Sweden
- - The Netherlands

Somewhat functioning governments (YMMV):
- - Norway
- - Germany
- - France
- - Spain
- - Portugal
- - Chech republic (?)
- - Iceland (?)

- -- 
Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,
Arjen Kamphuis
Gendo B.V.

Main: +31 20 891 0330
mail: arjen at gendo.ch

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