[liberationtech] Secret European deals to hand over private data to America

taxakis taxakis at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 06:44:26 PDT 2013

> It is huge and a strong burden on transatlantic relations, a game
Do you really think that such large scale intercepts are possible without full knowledge and cooperation of key people in politics and industry?

Of course not, Eugen! They all know it.  But now there's proof.  Tangible documents stamped Top Secret. And there's a witness, Snowden, who plainly details it in front of a TV camera. And in a fairly articulate way.  And then, they see the US administration going on tilt due to that.  Mr. Kerry and others want Snowden's blood.  Even threatening other nations, Russia, Ecuador.  Before that it was all hearsay. Some politicians for a long time only licked on the edges of the Tony Bunyan report telling the world about Echelon.  It was all illusive, probably true, but then still illusive; no real meat for politicians.  Now they know for sure that it's true beyond their wildest imagination.  And now they're all sharpening the knives.....

>Lack of surprise to such "revelations" is quite telling.
Lack of coverage in state sponsored media also tells you something. Lack of interest in the general population tells you that they're getting away with it.

I don't think the U.S. is getting away with it.  I have heard powerful voices in Brussels and Strasbourg on simply halting the free trade initiative until the entire action is stopped and everything gained has been destroyed under impartial supervision. Now, do you see that happen?

Rob Frei

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