[liberationtech] real Democracy in the Information age...

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 15:35:02 PDT 2013

Well, we have a quick peek at that "surveillance state" now for a
while: it's called "Big Data". So, what else is new?

Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Peter Lindener <lindener.peter at gmail.com> wrote:
>   By now, most people on top of our Society's Transmutation into
> surveillance state are beginning to realize what we might be in for...
> ..Its pretty clear that over the longer run, corruption driven interests in
> the personal extortion market place will come to mine the very data base
> that the NSA is building up "for our safety"...
>    Then should we expect otherwise?...
> In a nut shell...we only have our self's to blame..  Lets face it,
> The current social script as to how Democracy is supposed to operate is
> clearly broken..  and in the information age we should know better..  after
> all, ultimately truly democratic governance is about the transmission of
> information regarding the actual wishes of the electorate into the
> governance process...
>    Last I checked the information transmission rate associated with crowds
> taking to the streets and waving signs, or for that mater writing letters to
> ones congressman/woman.. is not exactly state of the art in the era of
> networked communication... so why are we as a humanity collectively
> groveling, as if we know no not better..?..   perhaps such that we maintain
> the existing (fairly dysfunctional/partially corrupt, money driven) power
> schema?
>    The crazy thing is, we then pretend that somehow we are setting a good
> example for the rest of the world to follow, when in reality... we don't
> even seem as a country all that interested ins safeguarding our own
> constitution's sense of moral value...
>    We can easily do MUCH better... starting from well founded formal
> understanding of the nature of information flow surrounding a truly
> democratic social decision process..
>    But at this point, I ask do we as a society actually have any real
> interest in exploring this possibility space?, or perhaps in the end, we
> might be just as content with the form of "democracy" where the elite group
> of privet interests with the ability to extract the best extortion data, and
> posses the most powerful (privatized) military... gets it way..?
>    Given that the solution, involving social network driven proxy based
> (trust maintained), issue specialized, expertise leveraged representation...
> that entertains a wide open alternative space, that leverages the best,
> crowd sourced governance solutions seems just around the corner..   .why
> don't we wake up a smell the coffee??
>    -Peter
> --
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