[liberationtech] real Democracy in the Information age...
Peter Lindener
lindener.peter at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 13:59:32 PDT 2013
By now, most people on top of our Society's Transmutation into
surveillance state are beginning to realize what we might be in for...
..Its pretty clear that over the longer run, corruption driven interests in
the personal extortion market place will come to mine the very data base
that the NSA is building up "for our safety"...
Then should we expect otherwise?...
In a nut shell...we only have our self's to blame.. Lets face it,
The current social script as to how Democracy is supposed to operate is
clearly broken.. and in the information age we should know better.. after
all, ultimately truly democratic governance is about the transmission of
information regarding the actual wishes of the electorate into the
governance process...
Last I checked the information transmission rate associated with crowds
taking to the streets and waving signs, or for that mater writing letters
to ones congressman/woman.. is not exactly state of the art in the era of
networked communication... so why are we as a humanity collectively
groveling, as if we know no not better..?.. perhaps such that we maintain
the existing (fairly dysfunctional/partially corrupt, money driven) power
The crazy thing is, we then pretend that somehow we are setting a good
example for the rest of the world to follow, when in reality... we don't
even seem as a country all that interested ins safeguarding our own
constitution's sense of moral value...
We can easily do MUCH better... starting from well founded formal
understanding of the nature of information flow surrounding a truly
democratic social decision process..
But at this point, I ask do we as a society actually have any real
interest in exploring this possibility space?, or perhaps in the end, we
might be just as content with the form of "democracy" where the elite group
of privet interests with the ability to extract the best extortion data,
and posses the most powerful (privatized) military... gets it way..?
Given that the solution, involving social network driven proxy based
(trust maintained), issue specialized, expertise leveraged
representation... that entertains a wide open alternative space, that
leverages the best, crowd sourced governance solutions seems just around
the corner.. .why don't we wake up a smell the coffee??
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