[liberationtech] A Kind Request.....

L. Aaron Kaplan kaplan at cert.at
Sat Jun 2 12:43:54 PDT 2012

On Jun 2, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Robert Mathews (OSIA) wrote:

> > Hello Fabio,
> >
> > is Wired part of the "media hype"?
> >
> > http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/05/flame/
> > They also compare it with Stuxnet. All bullocks?
> >

Yes, a bit.

To quote another security researcher:
"I don't know if Iran has mastered the nuclear cycle. But they appear to have mastered the 24 hours news cycle."
(I can dig out the proper credits if needed)

A true targeted attack is much more stealthy. Flame seems to be bloatware.

There is however an interesting twist to the story: there is a removal tool by the ir. CERT.
It will actually copy over all kinds of things and send it over encrypted .
Don't know what to think of that... 

(sorry, german. Use google translate)


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