[liberationtech] A Kind Request.....
Robert Mathews (OSIA)
mathews at hawaii.edu
Sat Jun 2 12:23:20 PDT 2012
> Hello Fabio,
> is Wired part of the "media hype"?
> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/05/flame/
> They also compare it with Stuxnet. All bullocks?
> Best,
> Susanne
*Hello Everyone:*
This posting is intended to be a kind request to all participants, to
exercise GREAT CARE and CONSIDERATION when posting, and/or responding to
an existing post.
By my reference to Ms. Fischer's post herein (above), by NO MEANS is
this message intended to single her out, nor is this request intended
for her solely. Some of us have been using E.mail as a medium of
communication for the better part of 30 year or more. As such, I wish
to share that there ARE certain pathways by which, COHERENT and CONCISE
communications are BEST facilitated. Regarding these pathways, and as
they relate to E.mail, I would like to happily refer participants to RFC
1855, at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt
Following then, permit me to present, that there is NO able reasoning,
which can argue for the unrestrained inclusion of 80+ lines of
unnecessary text - to the CONTENT that is expected to be noted in an
E.mail. Again, I refer all to RFC 1855 in this regard.
*Total DATA PAYLOAD* may not be a TECHNICAL, or an ECONOMIC concern to
many. But, to those who LIVE and WORK in developing countries, this is
more than just a passing inconvenience! Outside of such behavior being
an assault on one's senses, and sensibilities, in developing areas of
the planet, those who subscribe to this, and other Listservs, *end-up
paying for* the CAPRICIOUSLY added text.
So, I request all - to take the extra moment, and separate the relevant
- from the irrelevant.
Many thanks in advance, and respectfully,
* Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
* Distinguished Senior Research Scholar
* National Security Affairs & U.S Industrial Preparedness
* Office of Scientific Inquiry and Applications
* University of Hawai'i
* E.mail: mathews at hawaii dot edu/
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