[liberationtech] The first rule about censorship is we don't talk about censorship
Rick Falkvinge (Piratpartiet)
rick.falkvinge at piratpartiet.se
Sat Apr 21 22:13:26 PDT 2012
Hash: SHA1
The same thing will happen with links to The Pirate Bay. You cannot talk
about them on Facebook.
Imagine 30 years ago, when we were on the phone and discussed something,
if a voice had popped in and said "you have mentioned an inappropriate
subject. Please refrain from inappropriate communications." We would
have been horrified. It would have been seen as so dystopic, that if it
had been written in a novel of fiction, it would have been discarded as
just unrealistic.
Well, we're there.
On 04/19/2012 12:30 AM, James Losey wrote:
> Hi All,
> James Ball wrote an article for the Guardian
> <http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/18/richard-odwyer-extradition-piracy-charges>
> about tvshack.net <http://tvshack.net> and noticed a curious thing: the
> Facebook share button does not allow you to share the link to Facebook
> because it includes the words "tvshack.net <http://tvshack.net>."
> Although I was able to post the link itself to Face but took a
> screenshot of the message saying that the article contains language that
> is "spammy or
> unsafe." http://jameslosey.com/post/21345118902/when-spam-filters-go-to-far
> Does anyone else have more examples of this?
> Best,
> James
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- --
Rick Falkvinge
Founder of the first Pirate Party
Piratpartiet SE
Blog, bio and press photos at http://falkvinge.net/photos-bio/
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