[liberationtech] The first rule about censorship is we don't talk about censorship

Pavol Luptak wilder at trip.sk
Sat Apr 21 12:07:00 PDT 2012


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 06:30:52PM -0400, James Losey wrote:
>    James Ball wrote an article for the Guardian about tvshack.net and noticed
>    a curious thing: the Facebook share button does not allow you to share the
>    link to Facebook because it includes the words "tvshack.net." Although I
>    was able to post the link itself to Face but took a screenshot of the
>    message saying that the article contains language that is "spammy or
>    unsafe." http://jameslosey.com/post/21345118902/when-spam-filters-go-to-far 

I have the similar problem few weeks ago with Facebook chat 'censorship'.

When I sent through Facebook chat the following link to my Facebook friend:


facebook returned the message:

"some problem, this text cannot be sent"

Mentioning this link at the Facebook status worked without problem, so only
Facebook chat was affected. It was not my problem only, all my friends had the
same problem with sending this link using Facebook chat. 
Now it seems to work, anyway this behaviour was pretty strange.

[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]
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