[liberationtech] The first rule about censorship is we don't talk about censorship

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 00:26:45 PDT 2012

Yes. In 2010, this happened with the word "Palestinian":

When I contacted Facebook about it, they said that it was a bug.  Look at
the screenshots, though.

It later happened with any link referring to the children's book *Go The
Fuck to Sleep.*


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:30 AM, James Losey <jameswlosey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> James Ball wrote an article for the Guardian<http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/18/richard-odwyer-extradition-piracy-charges>about
> tvshack.net and noticed a curious thing: the Facebook share button does
> not allow you to share the link to Facebook because it includes the words "
> tvshack.net." Although I was able to post the link itself to Face but
> took a screenshot of the message saying that the article contains language
> that is "spammy or unsafe."
> http://jameslosey.com/post/21345118902/when-spam-filters-go-to-far
> Does anyone else have more examples of this?
> Best,
> James
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"We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the
seemingly impossible to become a reality" - *Vaclav Havel*
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