[liberationtech] PDF Offering Special 25% Discount to Liberationtech Members

Mark Belinsky mbelinsky at digital-democracy.org
Thu May 26 14:55:11 PDT 2011

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For all of those heading to NYC for PdF, I want to let you know that
they're hosting OpenGov Camp, an unconference about tools for change,
in conjunction with the big conference the next days.   

The goal is toleave with a set of solutions ? the best new programs,
manuals, films, curriculum and other tools to empower civic
engagement. I hope to see some of the LibTech crew there!


    * Sunday, June 5, 10am to 6pm
    * CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
      219 West 40th Street, NYC <http://goo.gl/maps/Zpri>

All the Best,

. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark Belinsky
President & Co-Founder
Digital Democracy
109 W 27 St, 6 Fl
New York, NY 10001 USA
w. +1-347-688-DDEM [3336]
m. +1-347-466-9327
mbelinsky at digital-democracy.org
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

On 5/21/2011 2:09 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> The Personal Democracy Forum would like to invite all members of the
> Stanford Liberation Technologies listserve to their upcoming
> conference in NYC. Several Liberation Tech regulars are on the
> agenda for PdF11.
> Would you mind sending out to the list? PdF will extend a 25
> percent discount to everyone on the Stanford LibTech list. Use the
> code 2011GROUP.
> Thanks much,
> Stephanie Willerton
> stephanie at stephaniewillerton.com
> <mailto:stephanie at stephaniewillerton.com>
> *Personal Democracy Forum 2011*
> *June 6-7 | New York City*
> This June 6-7, there's going to be only one place to be if you're
> interested in how technology is changing advocacy, politics, and
> government -- the eighth annual *Personal Democracy Forum*
> <http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-2011> (PdF) in New York City.
> PdF's theme this year is Agents of Change, with a major focus on how
> people are making changing happen in places ranging from Tunisia and
> Egypt to Madison, Wisconsin. These aren't "Facebook revolutions" or
> "Twitter revolutions," they're people-powered and network-organized
> revolutions. The two days of the conference will offer a mix of
> high-level keynotes (the kind that other conferences charge
> thousands of dollars to hear) and intimate, focused breakouts on how
> these net-powered leaders are bringing change to politics and
> government, the conditions that such people need to engage in
> effective change-making, and the prospects for the future as the
> powers-that-be react. See the *schedule*
> <http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-2011-day-one-schedule-june-6th> for more
> information.
> This year's *speakers*
> <http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-2011-speakers> include:
> * *Alaa Abdel Fattah*, Egyptian blogger/activist/technologist
> * *Mitchell Baker*, Chairperson of the Mozilla Foundation
> * *danah boyd*, Microsoft Research
> * *Andy Carvin*, senior strategist at NPR working on digital media
> * *Cory Doctorow*, co-founder, BoingBoing.net
> <http://boingboing.net/> and internet freedom activist
> * *Mindy Finn*, co-founder of Engage and former e-director of
> Mitt Romney for President 2008
> * *Kirsten Gillibrand*, Democratic Senator, New York
> * *Ilyse Hogue*, Former Director of Political Advocacy and
> Communications at MoveOn.org <http://moveon.org/>, current
> Senior Adviser at Media Matters for America
> * *Steven Johnson*, author, Where Good Ideas Comes From: the
> Natural History of Innovation
> * *Vivek Kundra*, Chief Information Officer of the United States
> * *Jennifer 8 Lee*, former NYTimes reporter/ consultant to the
> Knight News Challenge
> * *Lawrence Lessig*, Harvard University and
> co-founder, FixCongressFirst.com <http://fixcongressfirst.com/>
> * *Rebecca MacKinnon*, Senior fellow, New America Foundation,
> author of the forthcoming ?Consent of the Networked?
> * *Jenny Beth Martin*, National co-coordinator, Tea Party Patriots
> * *Craig Newmark*, Founder, Craigslist.org
> <http://craigslist.org/>
> * *Mark Pesce*, Author, futurist and digital anthropologist
> * *Ben Rattray*, Founder, Change.org <http://change.org/>
> * *Jay Rosen*, Professor, NYU School of Journalism and
> blogger, PressThink.org <http://pressthink.org/>
> * *Tracy Russo*, New Media Director, U.S. Justice Department
> * *Ann Marie Slaughter*, Princeton University, former Director
> of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State
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