[liberationtech] PDF Offering Special 25% Discount to Liberationtech Members
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Sat May 21 11:09:29 PDT 2011
The Personal Democracy Forum would like to invite all members of the
Stanford Liberation Technologies listserve to their upcoming conference in
NYC. Several Liberation Tech regulars are on the agenda for PdF11.
Would you mind sending out to the list? PdF will extend a 25 percent
discount to everyone on the Stanford LibTech list. Use the code 2011GROUP.
Thanks much,
Stephanie Willerton
stephanie at stephaniewillerton.com
*Personal Democracy Forum 2011*
*June 6-7 | New York City*
This June 6-7, there's going to be only one place to be if you're interested
in how technology is changing advocacy, politics, and government -- the
eighth annual *Personal Democracy
Forum*<http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-2011> (PdF)
in New York City.
PdF's theme this year is Agents of Change, with a major focus on how people
are making changing happen in places ranging from Tunisia and Egypt to
Madison, Wisconsin. These aren't "Facebook revolutions" or "Twitter
revolutions," they're people-powered and network-organized revolutions. The
two days of the conference will offer a mix of high-level keynotes (the kind
that other conferences charge thousands of dollars to hear) and intimate,
focused breakouts on how these net-powered leaders are bringing change to
politics and government, the conditions that such people need to engage in
effective change-making, and the prospects for the future as the
powers-that-be react. See the
more information.
This year's *speakers*
<http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-2011-speakers> include:
- *Alaa Abdel Fattah*, Egyptian blogger/activist/technologist
- *Mitchell Baker*, Chairperson of the Mozilla Foundation
- *danah boyd*, Microsoft Research
- *Andy Carvin*, senior strategist at NPR working on digital media
- *Cory Doctorow*, co-founder, BoingBoing.net <http://boingboing.net/> and
internet freedom activist
- *Mindy Finn*, co-founder of Engage and former e-director of Mitt Romney
for President 2008
- *Kirsten Gillibrand*, Democratic Senator, New York
- *Ilyse Hogue*, Former Director of Political Advocacy and Communications
at MoveOn.org <http://moveon.org/>, current Senior Adviser at Media
Matters for America
- *Steven Johnson*, author, Where Good Ideas Comes From: the Natural
History of Innovation
- *Vivek Kundra*, Chief Information Officer of the United States
- *Jennifer 8 Lee*, former NYTimes reporter/ consultant to the Knight
News Challenge
- *Lawrence Lessig*, Harvard University and co-founder,
FixCongressFirst.com <http://fixcongressfirst.com/>
- *Rebecca MacKinnon*, Senior fellow, New America Foundation, author of
the forthcoming ?Consent of the Networked?
- *Jenny Beth Martin*, National co-coordinator, Tea Party Patriots
- *Craig Newmark*, Founder, Craigslist.org <http://craigslist.org/>
- *Mark Pesce*, Author, futurist and digital anthropologist
- *Ben Rattray*, Founder, Change.org <http://change.org/>
- *Jay Rosen*, Professor, NYU School of Journalism and blogger,
PressThink.org <http://pressthink.org/>
- *Tracy Russo*, New Media Director, U.S. Justice Department
- *Ann Marie Slaughter*, Princeton University, former Director of Policy
Planning for the United States Department of State
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