[liberationtech] Voices from the Arab Meedan: An interactive event connecting the Bay Area community with Arab activists
Peter Lindener
lindener.peter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 12:19:53 PDT 2011
Chris -
I'm not sure my message was a question....
More so... an offer to bring your Tech folks up to speed concerning
the *Aggregation
of Social Consensus by means of Information Theoretic Methods*...
Now that Social Networks have arranged it so that many well intending
people have collectively put there lives quite literally on the line,
Perhaps we should also leverage the very same networking technology to keep
things a bit more harmonious and peaceful, by assisting these new very
hopeful democracy, by way of network based aggregation of Social
*Democratic Word Processors*, where ever fine grain edit decision, is
decided by means of a truly democratic group decision process.
*Blogo-spheric Best Idea Percolators*, that distill the very best thinking
and creative solutions the society has to offer towards a more effective
style of truly democratic governance.
There is much to cover here at a more technical (Computer Science)
I write requesting that your organization, assemble a Email list, of
computer science literate activist, who would have an interest in extending
Face-Book with the required functionality, such that this Social Networking
movement ends up having a happy ending.
Sincerely Yours
-Peter Lindener
2011/3/23 Kate Goodin <kgoodin at meedan.net>
> Hi Peter! I think that my colleague Chris, who is our tech guy, for lack of
> a better term (you may be able to tell I'm not especially tech-savvy
> myself), is probably the best person to answer your questions.
> 2011/3/23 Peter Lindener <lindener.peter at gmail.com>
>> Dear
>> Nosheen -
>> Augmenting Social Network Infrastructure, to provide a vastly superior
>> form of representation that tends to remain responsive to the will of the
>> electorate and *free from corruption* might be a good start....Perhaps a
>> well formed very thoughtful revolution by way of Social Networking Design
>> and Implementation as a Face-Book plug-in<http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/canvas/>(interconnected by way ofApache Thrift<http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/>)
>> .
>> Is there a Computer Science savvy crew, amongst your community of
>> activists?...
>> There seems much to discus in terms of how one might implement such a
>> profoundly improved form of representational governance...
>> All the best
>> -Peter Lindener
>> ,
>> 2011/3/22 Nosheen Ali <noshali at stanford.edu>
>>> Yes, I do work with them. Thanks for sharing!
>>> Nosheen
>>> 2011/3/22 Peter Lindener <lindener.peter at gmail.com>
>>>> Dear
>>>> Nosheen -
>>>> Are you part of the group coordinating this event ?
>>>> My work in Information Theoretic Democracy may be of interest to
>>>> your group....
>>>> See Bellow... for more detail
>>>> All the best
>>>> -Peter Lindener Cell Ph# (650) 380-5598
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Dear Fellow Liberation Technology Members,
>>>> My research is on what I term *Information Theoretic democracy*, which
>>>> I think is of critical importance to liberation technology. I use the above
>>>> term, as there are many insights, such as the one introduced bellow, that
>>>> can be gleaned, as one looks at the democratic group decisions in terms of
>>>> information flow.
>>>> Building a System for Trustworthy Representation
>>>> The inequitable distribution of power makes current representation
>>>> systems profoundly flawed. The fundamental issue with our current
>>>> representational approach appears to be that trust relationship management
>>>> does not extend well towards the many-to-one, infrequent, group-selected
>>>> single representative.
>>>> Social networking sites, properly devised, have the potential to
>>>> implement systems that are more democratic and responsive to the desires of
>>>> the electorate. Personalized choice of one's representative, independently
>>>> customizable across any given class of issues, with the freedom to adjust
>>>> one's representational preference at any time or ones choosing, promise to
>>>> profoundly improve the current representational situation.
>>>> Social networking sites could effectively light a burner under
>>>> politicians as they would know they would be held accountable on the
>>>> particular issues they represent on one's behalf. A simple drag and drop of
>>>> one's social network based proxy directives, can shift who one chooses as
>>>> one's representative on that particular class of issues. With this approach
>>>> representational social relationships are much more fine grained,
>>>> responsive, and accountable in nature.
>>>> What if: You enjoyed personal friendships with everyone who represents
>>>> your interests in government
>>>> AND: You could *remove any of them* from their role and replace them
>>>> with anyone else you individually preferred, any time, at will, with just a
>>>> few clicks of a mouse?
>>>> Further more: Your right to make such adjustments, towards your own
>>>> better representation in government, at ANY time of your choosing, were
>>>> protected under constitutional law?
>>>> Thus, social networking sites not only permit people to decide
>>>> collectively that they want freedom and proper representation but also can
>>>> deliver a paradigm for, effective, multi-hop proxy-based, issues-driven,
>>>> personalized representation. For additional reading on this topic one may
>>>> want to check out this paper on proxy based representation<http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/%7Earmytage/proxy2010.pdf> written
>>>> by James Green-Armytage <http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/%7Earmytage/>.
>>>> -Peter
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 2011/3/22 Nosheen Ali <noshali at stanford.edu>
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Please forward widely, thanks!
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Voices from the Arab Meedan
>>>>> الميدان العربي أصوات من
>>>>> A meeting point between Arab activists and the Bay Area community
>>>>> *Saturday March 26 11:30am-1:30pm
>>>>> Location: Meedan office at Mission Social: 972 Mission Street in San
>>>>> Francisco, 5th floor*
>>>>> **
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