[liberationtech] New Book: Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Mar 23 08:34:53 PDT 2011
New book:
Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Foundations of Critical Media and Information
Studies. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-58881-2. 384 pages.
Rouledge Advances in Sociology No. 52.
More information:
Available from the same author: "Internet and Society: Social Theory in
the Information Age" (Paperback 2011)
Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies lays down
foundations for the analysis of media, information, and information
technology in 21st century information society, as well as introducing
the theoretical and empirical tools necessary for the critical study of
media and the information society.
Reasons for reading this book
* To find out more about critical theory today: The book updates
critical theory for 21st century information society.
* To acquire tools for critical analyses: The book introduces
methodological and theoretical tools for studying media, information
technology, and the information society in a critical way.
* To read more about a critical theory of media and the information
society: The book explains the foundations of a critical theory of
media, information, information technology, and the information society.
* To find out more about how power structures frame the media and the
Internet: The book provides a power structure analysis of the media and
the Internet.
* To engage with alternative media and the alternative Internet: The
book identifies alternative potentials of the media, culture, and the
1 Introduction
PART I: Theory
2 Critical theory today
3 Critical media and information studies
4 Marx and critical media and information studies
PART II: Case studies
5 The media and information economy and the new imperialism
6 The new crisis of capitalism and the role of the media and information
7 Participatory web 2.0 as ideology
PART III Alternatives
8 Alternative media as critical media
9 Conclusion
Prof. Christian Fuchs
Chair in Media and Communication Studies
Department of Informatics and Media
Uppsala University
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
christian.fuchs at im.uu.se
Tel +46 (0) 18 471 1019
NetPolitics Blog: http://fuchs.uti.at/blog
Editor of tripleC: http://www.triple-c.at
Book "Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies" (Routledge
Book "Internet and Society" (Paperback, Routledge 2010)
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