[liberationtech] ISCRAM Conference now in Seattle with track on IT for Humanitarian Challenges

Bartel Van de Walle bartel at uvt.nl
Mon May 3 23:51:33 PDT 2010

Dear all,


The ISCRAM (Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management)
Association is having its 7th international conference in Seattle right now.
The very varied program has a track on IT for humanitarian challenges that
may be of interest to you. ISCRAM makes extensive use of social media to
cover the conference, including slides, lifestreams, tweets, social
bookmarks, scribd, etc. 


For program details:




Follow the conference live at:




Best regards - Bartel




Bartel Van de Walle, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Information Management

Tilburg School of Economics and Management

Tilburg University

The Netherlands

T.: +31 13 466 2016

E.: bartel at uvt.nl


Chair of the ISCRAM Association






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