[liberationtech] Fwd: [mapss_mailing_list] MAPSS - Delia Baldassarri - Networks and public goods

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue May 4 10:39:49 PDT 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rachel Stein <rmstein at stanford.edu>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:37 PM
Subject: [mapss_mailing_list] MAPSS - Delia Baldassarri - Networks and
public goods
To: mapss_mailing_list at lists.stanford.edu


*Free Food -- Distinguished Speakers -- Talks You Can Use*

The *Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS)* is a
methodology colloquium for the social sciences. This quarter, we will be
continuing our focus on Social Network Analysis. You can sign up for *PoliSci
402* or *Comm 310* to get course credit for attending MAPSS and will receive
a Graduate Certificate in Methodology for attending three quarters and
presenting once. Learn more at https://iriss.stanford.edu/mapss.

This Thursday, we have *Delia Baldassarri*, an Assistant Professor of
Sociology at Princeton University, continuing our quarter on social network

MAPSS will be meeting this quarter in
. *Pizza* will be served at 11:45 PM and talks will begin promptly at

(RSVP for food at https://iriss.stanford.edu/mapss_colloquium_signup).

*Thursday, May 6
**12:00 PM
Education Building - Room 128*
(Next to Green Library)

*Cooperative Networks, Social Capital, and the provision of Public Goods:
drawing evidence from Field experiments in rural Uganda.*

Producer organizations are a core component of poverty reduction strategies,
but little is known about the role of social networks, associational
capital, and leadership accountability in making certain organizations more
successful than others. Baldassarri’s collaborative research on farmer
cooperatives in Uganda casts some light on how producer organizations solve
classic problems of collective action, contributes to the shift from a
suggestive to an empirically grounded understanding of social capital, and
makes an innovative use of behavioral games to capture the motivations
behind actors' interdependent decision making.

The presentation will focus on the multilevel and multimethod research
design (which involved 50 producer organizations, 300 villages, and 3,500
individuals, and relied on survey, networks, and behavioral games data
collection strategies), and discuss the use of behavioral games in ‘real
world’ settings to capture the motivations underlying individuals’ strategic
behavior. By using different variants of Dictator and Public Goods Games,
the research tests whether contributions to the group welfare are based on
mechanisms of altruism, bounded solidarity, reciprocity, or enforceable
trust. Results show that the presence of a sanctioning system, the group
involvement in the selection of a leader, and communication between actors
greatly improve cooperation.


*RSVP <https://iriss.stanford.edu/mapss_colloquium_signup> for Free Pizza
(available at 11:45 PM)*


*Delia Baldassarri is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Princeton
University. Her research aims to address the broad question of what are the
bases of political integration and division. Both political integration and
political division originate from the activity of individuals and groups
acting on the basis of their partisan views of what society ought to be. By
studying social actors at the intersection of the social categories and
relational networks to which they belong, she aims to capture the dynamics
of identity formation and social influence that trigger political action and
to connect attitudinal changes to broader processes of interest
representation and mobilization. Taken together, her work looks at the
cognitive, relational and structural bases of political participation and
activism, addressing topics in collective action, political networks, social
influence, public opinion, and voting behavior. *

*Don't Forget to **Add* the *Methods of Analysis Program in the Social
Sciences *(MAPSS) *Colloquium* to classes this quarter. We bring in
distinguished researchers from across the social sciences to provide useful
lessons on broadly applicable methods for data collection and analysis.

*PoliSci 402 or Comm 310*

The Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences is a program of the
Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

Save the dates!
Spring 2010 MAPSS Colloquium Series - Preliminary Schedule
April 1
*Jure Leskovec*
*Stanford University*
April 8
*Paolo Parigi*
*Stanford University*
April 15
April 22
*Dan Hruschka*
*Arizona State University*
April 29
May 6
*Delia Baldassarri*
*Princeton University*
May 13
*Carter T. Butts*
*UC Irvine*
May 20
*Steve Lansing*
*University of Arizona*
May 27


*Sign Up to give a talk at MAPSS *- Giving one MAPSS talk is a requirement
for the graduate certificate in social science methodology that MAPSS offers
and offers a great forum for gathering feedback on your papers and
projects. Sign up by sending an email to Rachel Stein
<rmstein at stanford.edu>with
your topic and the date that you would like to present.


   - 2007-2008 Fall colloquium series
   - 2006-2007 colloquium series
   - 2005-2006 colloquium series

The Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences is a program of
the Institute
for Research in the Social Sciences <http://www.stanford.edu/group/iriss/>

If you need to unsubscribe from the MAPSS email list, you can do so at
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/options/mapss_mailing_list (note: this
only applies to direct mails from MAPSS, not to emails forwarded over
department lists by department liaisons.)

mapss_mailing_list mailing list
mapss_mailing_list at lists.stanford.edu
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