[liberationtech] Fwd: Invitation: Live Web Seminar: ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?

Peter Asaro peterasaro at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 3 16:45:41 PDT 2010

>Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 19:20:59 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Humanitarian Law and Policy Forum <ihlforum at hpcr.org>
>Reply-To: ihlforum at hpcr.org
>Sender: Humanitarian Law and Policy Forum <ihlseminar at hpcr.ccsend.com>
>To: peterasaro at sbcglobal.net
>Subject: Invitation: Live Web Seminar: ICT and Protection: Can Information
>  and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?
>Humanitarian Law and Policy Forum Logo
>May 12
>  ICT and Protection: Can Information and 
> Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?
>Wednesday, May 12th, at 9:30 a.m. (EST)
>here to Register (Required)
>Broadcast live from the 
>of Switzerland (swissnex) Boston
>This Live Seminar will examine questions and 
>challenges pertaining to the development, use 
>and effects of Information and Communication 
>Technology (ICT) in humanitarian 
>activities.  Increasingly used by humanitarian 
>professionals in situations of emergency, armed 
>conflicts, and disasters, ICT has emerged as a 
>component of effective and sustainable delivery 
>of humanitarian relief.  Yet ICT remains 
>relatively under-theorized and utilized 
>differently across contexts.  Against the 
>backdrop of the increased use of ICT in 
>humanitarian activities, this Live Seminar will 
>address the following questions:
>    * How have technological innovations shaped 
> the roles and responsibilities of humanitarian professionals?
>    * In what ways has ICT affected the 
> selection, collection, and dissemination of conflict-related information?
>    * What metrics are available to discern the 
> scope and significance of ICT's effects on 
> coordinating humanitarian aid delivery?
>    * How has ICT transformed institutions providing humanitarian relief?
>These questions will be examined through 
>critical inquiry into recent innovations in ICT, 
>their application, and their (potential) 
>consequences for humanitarian professionals.
>Modirzadeh, Associate Director of the Program on 
>Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at 
>Harvard University, and 
>Bruderlein, Director of the Program, will host the discussion.
>Panelists include:
>Salem Avan, United Nations
>J. Cottray, iMMAP
>Mark Dalton, ReliefWeb
>Hartnett, Global Relief Technologies, Inc.
>Meier, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
>Additional materials pertaining to this Live 
>Seminar are available on the the 
>Humanitarian Law Research Initiative Portal
>Gathering Background 2
>Calendar - 11 May - jpeg
>Security on Mission: How to Survive a Kidnapping
>Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 9:30am EST
>To register, click 
>Our latest Live Web Seminar Series -- Health and 
>Safety On Mission -- seeks to generate 
>discussion and lively debate surrounding the 
>challenges and issues related to personal 
>health, safety, and professional and personal 
>satisfaction through narrative experiences and expert experience.
>You will receive a message about this event in the coming days.
>The Live Seminar will take place at the following time:
>time zones
>- 9:30 a.m. in Boston (UTC - 4 hours)
>- 3:30 p.m. in Geneva (UTC + 2 hours)
>- 4:30 p.m. in Amman (UTC + 3 hours)
>- 8:30 p.m. in Jakarta (UTC + 7 hours)
>- 9:30 p.m. in Beijing (UTC + 8 hours)
>For more information on the time of the event at 
>your location, please visit the 
>How to participate
>HPCR Live Seminars
>Webcast live from Harvard University
>Free of charge - advance registration required
>To register for the Live Seminar:
>1. Click the registration link at the top of this message.
>2. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit."
>You will receive a confirmation email message 
>with instructions on how to join the event.
>Customer Service
>Attendees are requested to show up 15-30 minutes 
>earlier than the stated start time so that any 
>technical problems can try to be solved before the seminar begins.
>For assistance:
>Email us at <mailto:ihlforum at hpcr.org>ihlforum at hpcr.org
>It is recommended that you test your WebEx 
>Internet connection and browser compatibility by 
>clicking here: 
>For more information, please visit: 
>Online Course on Humanitarian Law
>Online Course
>The Live Seminars are an integral part of the 
>Online Course on Humanitarian Law and Policy 
>offered by the Program. This introductory course 
>is offered at no cost to humanitarian 
>professionals as part of HPCR's research on 
>distance learning and communities of practice. 
>For more information and to register for the 
>online course, please visit the 
>Forum. For more information on the HPCR 
>International Professional Development Program, 
>Facebook Group
>Facebook Logo
>If you are on Facebook, please join the 
>Humanitarian Law and Policy Forum Facebook page. 
>Membership will allow you to:Receive updates on 
>upcoming events Keep up-to-date with relevent 
>IHL-related news itemsPost links and discussion 
>threads to the IHL Facebook 
>here to Join!
>Produced by:
>Harvard Logo- Red Background
>Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research
>Harvard University
>1033 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor
>Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
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