[liberationtech] Politics of ICT for Development (AMCIS 2010) -- Delete if not interested

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 20:30:11 PST 2010

Call for Papers

Mini-track: Politics of ICT for Development - part of ICTs in Global
Development track

16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

August 12-15, 2010

Lima, Peru

When discussing information and communication technology for development
(ICT4D), information systems researchers often focus on positive narratives
of ICT4D, or alternatively discuss failures of such projects. What is less
often discussed is the political dimension – the influence exerted on the
decision-making process – of ICT4D.

Development as an activity is inherently political as it juxtaposes rich and
poor societies and ties them together in a relationship. Avgerou (2008)
talks of three discourses that can be identified in the current literature
on ICT4D: 1) the transference of information systems knowledge from
developed economies to developing economies, 2) the social embeddedness of
information systems innovation in the context of developing countries and 3)
the information systems innovation as a transformative socio-economic
process. What is invariably intrinsic in all three of these discourses is
the political dimension. This minitrack, therefore, welcomes papers that
take an overtly political stance toward ICT4D. Possible topics include but
are not limited to:

   - Activism in ICT4D projects
   - Communal engagement and ICT4D
   - Political debates on ICT4D
   - Critical and emancipatory perspectives on ICT4D
   - ICT4D and the public sphere
   - The politics of the ICT4D language
   - Implications of existing social conditions in ICT4D projects
   - Political properties of ICT4D projects
   - The politics of social inclusion and ICT4D

 Important Dates:

March 1, 2010 - Deadline for paper submissions

April 12, 2010 - Notification of acceptance of papers

April 26, 2010 - Final paper due

Submission Site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2010

NOTE: Authors of best papers in the *ICTs in Global Development* track will
be invited to submit revised versions for fast-track review and possible
publication in the journal *Information Technology for Development (ITD)* –

Mini-track Chairs:

Antonio Díaz Andrade

Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

antonio.diaz at aut.ac.nz

+64 9 921-9999 ext. 5804

Cathy Urquhart

Manchester Metropolitan University

c.urquhart at mmu.ac.uk

+44 161 247-3798
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