[liberationtech] CFP: Special issue of IJEP on "e-Business and the Politics of Poverty Alleviation" -- Delete if not interested

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 21:16:33 PST 2010

********************* CALL FOR PAPERS *********************

SPECIAL ISSUE ON E-Business and the Politics of Poverty Alleviation

International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)

Guest Editors:
Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Babita Gupta, California State University Monterey Bay

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), specifically emerging
Internet-based technologies, increase the potential for e-Business to help
alleviate poverty.  First and foremost, it can get much needed information
to the people in the form of market information, health information, and
government service information. This information can help people improve
their economic status.  For example, farmers using an SMS service can get
real-time market prices for their goods and with that information, they can
negotiate better price through their intermediaries.  Second, e-Business can
open up markets by increasing access.  Farmers can be linked to world
commodity markets and artisans to international buyers through e-commerce
sites.  While traditional methods of poverty alleviation rely on job
creation through temporary employment, job creation through internet-based
initiatives could be strengthened.  In addition, market expansion through
the Internet can help create more jobs.

Government initiatives that embrace use of the Internet can also help
alleviate poverty.  Online access to government provides a singlesource for
services. Thus, people seeking these services do not have to travel from one
government department to another to get help. These government initiatives
can also increase government transparency, which can fight corruption and
break down barriers to job creation. In both developed and developing
nations, alleviation of poverty involves redistribution of wealth to improve
conditions of underserved populations. While the intrinsic objectives of
this notion are altruistic in nature, the politics surrounding
redistribution of wealth is an important political issue. While there is
much potential for e-Business to alleviate poverty, research linking the two
is scarce.

OBJECTIVE OF THE SPECIAL ISSUE: The objective of the special issue is to
seek research papers that focus on the topic of E-Business and the Politics
of Poverty Alleviation. Topics to be discussed in this special issue include
(but are not limited to) the following:

•       Applications and technologies (mobile telephony, PCs, the Internet)
that are effective in reducing poverty
•       Behavioral issues (of different stakeholder groups) regarding
e-Business and poverty alleviation
•       Case studies on e-Business and poverty alleviation
•       Critical success factors for e-Business and poverty alleviation
•       Education or awareness-increasing mechanisms
•       Evaluation or metrics to measure e-Business and poverty alleviation
•       Governance and regulation surrounding  e-Business and poverty
•       Impact of national cultures on e-Business and poverty alleviation
•       Impact of politics on strategies for e-Business and poverty
•       Political dynamics of stakeholders involved in e-Business poverty
•       Process-centric vs. customer-centric approaches to poverty
alleviation using e-Business
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on e-Business and Poverty Alleviation on or before
April 2, 2010. All submissions must be original and may not be under
review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE
submission.pdf.  All submitted papers will be reviewed on a
double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for
reference citations.

ABOUT International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP):
The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Politics
(IJEP) is to lay the foundations of E-Politics as an emerging
interdisciplinary area of research and practice, as well as, to offer
a venue for publications that focus on theories and empirical research
on the manifestations of E-Politics in various contexts and
environments. E-Politics is defined as influence attempts facilitated
by or related to electronic media or to the information technology
field. As such, it is seen as interdisciplinary, encompassing areas
such as information systems, political science, social science
(psychology, sociology, and cultural studies), security, ethics, law,
management and others.

This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources
Management Association

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Celia Livermore
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)

The International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) is published by IGI
Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information
Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical
Information Science Reference”, “Business Science Reference”, and
“Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information
regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.

All submissions should be directed to the attention of:

Lakshmi Iyer (Lsiyer at uncg.edu)
Babita Gupta (bgupta at csumb.edu)
Guest Editors
International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP)

Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and ISOM Graduate Programs Director
Information Systems & Operations Management (ISOM)
Bryan School of Business and Economics (BAE)
435 Bryan Building
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402

Email: Lsiyer at uncg.edu
Phone: 336/334-4984
Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://www.uncg.edu/bae/people/lsiyer
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