[liberationtech] Northwestern University's Global Engagement Summer Institute -- Delete if not interested

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 17:49:00 PST 2010

The Northwestern University Center for Global Engagement is excited to
announce that *applications are now available* for the Global Engagement
Summer Institute, a unique summer program in Bolivia, Nicaragua, India, and
Uganda. The program involves a 7-day preparatory institute in Chicago,
followed by an 8-week, team-based internship at a host nonprofit.

This is a great opportunity that pairs rigorous academic training with
hands-on international community development experience. Do you think this
might interest your students?

Please feel free to forward the following message (below and attached) to
appropriate listservs and students and feel free to contact me with any
questions. We'd also be thrilled for any personal recommendations you may
have for students who would be good candidates for our program!

Many thanks in advance.

Warm regards,

Nicole Patel
Program Manager
Center for Global Engagement
620 Library Place
Evanston, IL 60208
gesi at northwestern.edu



Are you passionate about global change, committed to learning by doing, and
ready to engage in hands-on international development?
The Global Engagement Summer Institute at*Northwestern University* will
equip you to:

   - Work *directly* with grassroots *NGOs*and local *communities* in *Uganda,
   India, Nicaragua, or Bolivia*

   - Earn* two* *Northwestern* *course credits* through a week-long training
   institute in Chicago

   - Leverage the *strengths* -- rather than list the weaknesses -- of the
   communities in which you live and work abroad

   - Live with a *host family* and immerse yourself in another culture for
   eight weeks

   - Work in *teams* to design and implement an original development project
   in *environmental development, microfinance, youth and education, gender
   and development, global health*, social enterprise, and more

*Ready to take the next step? **APPLY NOW<http://mycge.org/application-process/>

If you want to learn more, visit
sign up here<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Feepurl.com%2FdH3W&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzduB9kBQja-fl0gQvUWUt9w3o5Pjg>
our mailing list, or fill out our 3-minute interest
Don't forget to forward this to anyone who might be interested!
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