[liberationtech] smearbusters.org

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Oct 14 20:56:23 PDT 2008

Sorry, it is smearbusters.org <http://smearsbusters.org/> NOT
smearsbusters.org, there is no "s"

I apologize for the inconvenience...

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>wrote:

> Great work, Paul...  I am blind copying a few Obama-friendly friends, so
> they are aware of our efforts.
> Dear friends, I apologize for the informal nature of this email...  Please
> read the message below.  Paul, Sara, Laura and Fred are colleagues of mine
> in academia.  Paul is a professor at the University Michigan.  Sara and
> Laura are professors at Carnegie Mellon University.  Fred is a PhD candidate
> at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a former Clarkie.
> Paul has put together a site called smearsbusters.org, which uses a
> crawler (search engine) to find sites, mostly blogs, that have posted smear
> messages on Obama.  The method is proving to be extremely effective but the
> site needs volunteers to go to those blogs and refute the smears.  We need
> your help in this regard.
> Could you please disseminate this information through your blogs and social
> networks and ask people to please volunteer?  Also, if you know any
> reporters, could you inform them of our efforts to see whether we can get
> some hits in the mainstream media?
> Thanks so much for your help with this!  :-)
> Yosem
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Paul Resnick <resnick.paul at gmail.com>wrote:
>> We spoke this summer about an idea I had for spreading responses to
>> smears. It took a long time to get it going, but we are live at last.
>> smearbusters.org spreads counter-responses to smears against Obama. We
>> use a search engine to find sites, mostly blogs, that have posted
>> smear messages. For each one, you just have to figure out how to post
>> a response and then post our suggested response text (or tailor it to
>> the particular site if you
>> think that will be more effective).
>> We have 200+ instances of smears waiting for responses, and we're
>> finding 'em faster than our volunteers are fixing 'em, so we need more
>> help. If you feel like fixing a few, check out
>> http://smearbusters.org, and please pass the request on to anyone who
>> you think might want to help
>> out in this way.
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