[liberationtech] REMINDER: Sally Maitlis - WTO Colloq - Mon Oct 20 at Noon in Terman 217

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Oct 15 16:36:03 PDT 2008


*Center for Work, Technology and Organization
Stanford University Department of Management Science and Engineering
2008-2009 Colloquium Series*



*Sensemaking and Emotion in Organizations

*Time and Location:*

Monday, October 20, 12:00-1:15 pm
Terman Room 217

(*Lunch will be provided. No RSVP necessary.*)


Sensemaking – the process of social construction in which individuals and
groups attempt to explain surprising or confusing events – has become a
critically important topic in the study of organizations (Weick, Sutcliffe &
Obstfeld, 2005). The ability of organizational actors to make sense of
unexpected events or issues has been linked to strategic change and decision
making (Gioia & Thomas, 1996; Thomas, Clark & Gioia, 1993), organizational
safety (Gephart, 1993; Weick, 1990, 1993), and innovation and creativity
(Drazin, Glynn & Kazanjian, 1999; Hill & Levenhagen, 1995). Largely
overlooked in sensemaking research, however, has been the role of emotion,
creating a restricted and potentially misleading understanding of how
sensemaking operates. In this paper, we begin to address this problem by
examining the role of emotion in individual and collective sensemaking, and
argue that emotion interacts with cognition to trigger, energize, enrich,
and resolve sensemaking processes. We develop a process model of sensemaking
in which emotion plays four distinct roles: as a trigger; as a mediator
between trigger events and interpretation processes; as a sensemaking
resource; and as an outcome.


Sally Maitlis's research falls into two main streams: sensemaking in
organizations, and the role of emotion in social processes at work. In her
sensemaking research, she examines how meaning is constructed between people
in their everyday interactions, and the impact this has on the
understandings they develop and the actions they take. Her emotion research
takes an interpretive, process-oriented approach to study how emotions shape
and are shaped by social processes. Most recently, she is working at the
intersection of these two areas, examining the relationship between
sensemaking and emotion at work. Her research has been published in journals
such as Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, Journal of
Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, MIT Sloan Management
Review, Organization Science, and Organization Studies. She is Associate
Editor for Non-Traditional Research at the Journal of Management Inquiry,
and a member of the Editorial Boards of the Academy of Management Journal,
Academy of Management Review, and Organization Studies. She is currently
serving as International Representative-at-Large for the Management and
Organizational Cognition division of the Academy of Management.

For more information on Dr. Maitlis, please visit her

*Upcoming WTO Colloquiums:*
This is the first WTO colloquium for the 2008-09 academic year.  Please note
on your schedules our upcoming events for the fall quarter:


   November 24 - *Lucy
   *, *"Subject-Objects in the Sciences of the Artificial" *(Professor and
   Director of the Center for Science Studies, Lancaster University)*  *
   Location*: Encina Second Floor East Conference Room (Encina E207) *(Joint
   with STS)*

   December 1 - *Victoria Bellotti*, "The Magitti Activity-Aware Leisure
   Guide: Opportunity Discovery, Innovation and New Technology Platform
   Development at PARC for a Japanese Client" (*Researcher, Palo Alto
   Research Center*)  *Location*: Terman 217
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