[liberationtech] smearbusters.org

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Oct 14 20:50:04 PDT 2008

Great work, Paul...  I am blind copying a few Obama-friendly friends, so
they are aware of our efforts.

Dear friends, I apologize for the informal nature of this email...  Please
read the message below.  Paul, Sara, Laura and Fred are colleagues of mine
in academia.  Paul is a professor at the University Michigan.  Sara and
Laura are professors at Carnegie Mellon University.  Fred is a PhD candidate
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a former Clarkie.

Paul has put together a site called smearsbusters.org, which uses a crawler
(search engine) to find sites, mostly blogs, that have posted smear messages
on Obama.  The method is proving to be extremely effective but the site
needs volunteers to go to those blogs and refute the smears.  We need your
help in this regard.

Could you please disseminate this information through your blogs and social
networks and ask people to please volunteer?  Also, if you know any
reporters, could you inform them of our efforts to see whether we can get
some hits in the mainstream media?

Thanks so much for your help with this!  :-)


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Paul Resnick <resnick.paul at gmail.com>wrote:

> We spoke this summer about an idea I had for spreading responses to
> smears. It took a long time to get it going, but we are live at last.
> smearbusters.org spreads counter-responses to smears against Obama. We
> use a search engine to find sites, mostly blogs, that have posted
> smear messages. For each one, you just have to figure out how to post
> a response and then post our suggested response text (or tailor it to
> the particular site if you
> think that will be more effective).
> We have 200+ instances of smears waiting for responses, and we're
> finding 'em faster than our volunteers are fixing 'em, so we need more
> help. If you feel like fixing a few, check out
> http://smearbusters.org, and please pass the request on to anyone who
> you think might want to help
> out in this way.
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