[Network-Centric Resources] Developing User Personas

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Thu Apr 27 15:48:02 CEST 2017

Hello Everyone,

Firstly, big thanks to Dawn, Kristin and Michael for their introductions.  Keep ‘em coming folks - they are super helpful.

As I mentioned before I’m starting to develop User Personas to help guide the development of the guide. I’ve had my first interview with Kristin Antin from Huridocs and have gotten some great insights AND help from here in starting to refine my tools for developing user personas.

Here’s my current list of questions which I’ll be using in interviews and also in a survey I’ll be sending around soon:
* What is the problem that your organisation/effort is trying to solve?
**How does your role contribute to that?
**What are your biggest challenges in your work?
* What challenges would you be looking to this resource to solve for you?
**How could this help improve your work?
**What are critical topics that you think should be addressed in this resource?
* What platforms/tools are you currently using to develop resources in a collaborative way?
* What questions would you ask others who might be using this resource to improve their own work?
* Where do you currently get support/knowledge on these topics? What other resources are helpful?

My question for everyone is: What else should I be asking? Any other good questions that might inform the development of our resource?

And also - does anyone have any good resources they could share with me on developing User Personas?

One thing that I wrote a few years back that you all might find helpful if you are trying to develop user personas for your own resource: http://www.fabriders.net/workshop-human-centred-design/

THANKS in advance!


Dirk Slater
Skype: dirkslater
Mobile: +447903932817
Join our Network on Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/

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