[ConsortiumShare] Evaluating Data Literacy programmes

Mor Rubinstein mor at threesixtygiving.org
Thu Oct 8 15:16:21 CEST 2020

Hello all,

I am trying to evaluate our data literacy programmes at 360Giving, and find
it hard to find any resources about it. Do any of you have
evaluation methods to share about the effectiveness of data literacy / data
culture programmes?


*Mor Rubinstein*
Programme Manager
360Giving <http://www.threesixtygiving.org/>
Twitter - @morchickit <https://twitter.com/Morchickit>
Cell: +44(0)7904191881 /  Office: 02078123773
Skype: mor.rubinstein
*See grantmaking in different ways, with our new visualisation
platform 360Insights <https://insights.threesixtygiving.org/> *
360Giving is a company
<https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/09668396> limited
by guarantee and a registered charity
. Read our privacy notice <http://www.threesixtygiving.org/privacy/> to
find out how we collect and use personal data.
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