[liberationtech] Liberation Tech would like a word.

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 05:55:26 CEST 2024

Great to meet so many people at the forefront of what they think is righ

and good to her that someone is reading/talking about Habermas!  (Hello
Jurgen from Liberationtech)

He contributed to shape the political consciousness of at least two
generations, but has been misunderstood/mislabelled/misrepresented

Some references

*ürgen Habermas may be the foremost intellectual in Europe. Since the 1960s
his scholarship has set research agendas in philosophy, sociology, and
history, while his newspaper articles and interviews have steered public
debates on topics from the memory of the Holocaust to the Iraq War. He may
also be the foremost intellectual of Europe, advocating for the continent’s
economic and political integration. I**n recent years, as that integration
has stalled, one might have expected Habermas’s public interventions to
gain in urgency. Instead, the opposite has happened: Although he has been
as philosophically and politically productive as ever, his work has seemed
to lose its relevance. Political developments against which he has
struggled for decades, from populist nationalism to the erosion of the
welfare state, seem more intractable than ever, while problems on which his
political theory has little purchase, such as the growing influence within
Europe of an illiberal and undemocratic China, appear ever more pressing.
Still eminent in the academy but increasingly marginal outside it, the
theorist best known for his notion of the “public sphere,” in which
intellectuals influence politics by shaping public opinion, risks becoming
the most compelling counterexample to his own ideal.*

On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 7:10 PM Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes <
alps6085 at gmail.com> wrote:

> BTW and on another note, I just started reading a tiny paperback by Jürgen
> Habermas - a “digest” of the current “Public Sphere” as refracted by his
> lifelong research on the topic. This is considering that his works are
> quite “thick!😂!” He’s 94 years old, and I realized he’s of the same
> generation as Noam Chomsky! I studied sociology in college but didn’t
> really read any of his works even though he was a Frankfurt School god,
> probably because he’s German and I was fascinated by French theorists😈.
> After all, in his inaugural lecture at the College de France, Foucault paid
> tribute to his predecessor in the chair, Jean Hyppolite, by stating that
> German students read  Hyppolite‘a translations of Hegel’s work to
> understand him!😈
> Anygüeys, here is the title of the book, a bit difficult to find in
> English:
> A New Structural Transformatior of the Public Sphere and Deliberative
> Politics
> Translated by Ciaran Cronin
> It paraphrases his first and most read work, and it promises to be
> “essential reading” to understand modern “culture.”
> Regards / Saludos / Grato
> Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
> Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them (equal preference)
> On Apr 28, 2024, at 11:30 AM, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes <
> alps6085 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ¡No pos wow como dicen en Texas Spanglish!
> Amazing work, viva GIS. I wish we had something like that for North Texas,
> mapping the same and then some (for example, worker abuse as reported to
> Labor Department agencies).
> I’m the executive director of Opening Doors (https://www.odisinc.org),
> and my particular interest is that undocumented immigrant women and workers
> in the U.S. victims of such crimes can get immigration legal remedies! A
> practical benefit coming out of such heinous crimes!
> Ok, back to finishing up pro se asylum applications for 3 Afghan sisters
> and virtual TPS applications for Venezuelans in Colorado😎
> Regards / Saludos / Grato
> Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
> Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them (equal preference)
> On Apr 28, 2024, at 11:08 AM, Mariangela Petrizzo <petrizzo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Sorry, the correct url is http://yenchi.activistasxsl.org
> Cheers
> Mariángela
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 7:35 PM María Angela Petrizzo Páez <
> petrizzo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you!
>> We have been working since 2006 in what we call "feminizing
>> technologies", we have developed activities such as women in technology
>> forums, a project with blind women, and since 2015 we have been promoting
>> good practices to prevent gender-based digital violence inside feminists
>> organizations and people. Last year, we also conducted a research to
>> characterize gender-based digital violence in our country.
>> We also support this app: http://yenchi activistasxsl.org where we put
>> geo-referenced information about GBV.
>> Mariangela.
>> Sobre 27/04/2024 en 7:22 p. m., Kate Krauss <katiephr at gmail.com>
>> escribió:
>> Dear Mariángela,
>> It's great to have you here. What projects are you or your group working
>> on; what ideas are you thinking about?
>> Kate Krauss
>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 6:17 PM Mariangela Petrizzo <petrizzo at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am writing from Venezuela, and I am a member of Mujeres Activistas por
>>> el Software Libre (http://activistasxsl.org). I have been *here* for a
>>> few years now, and I still feel the need to connect with people who are
>>> interested in critically thinking about technology.
>>> I believe it is important to consider the intersectional factors that
>>> affect the process of technology adoption, for that reason, I work from a
>>> feminist perspective of technology.
>>> Mariángela
>>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 5:37 PM Pat Anucha <pcanucha at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Welcoming the new design, I hope this could offer further opportunities
>>>> to network and find solutions to the world's global issues.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Pat Anucha
>>>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 2:43 AM Kate Krauss <katiephr at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We’re writing about the future of the Liberation Tech list.
>>>>> At its best, it’s been a forum where very smart people of many kinds
>>>>> have discussed digital rights, hacktivism, online privacy tools, the future
>>>>> of FISA, how to circumvent national internet shutdowns, and a myriad of
>>>>> other topics.
>>>>> Current subscribers include policy wonks, artists, CTOs, cypherpunks,
>>>>> reporters, government officials, bloggers from the Middle East, China
>>>>> experts, and at least one former rock star.
>>>>> In recent years, participation has dwindled.
>>>>> We want to bring it back.
>>>>> As before, we think the list should be grounded in democracy, freedom,
>>>>> and human rights. Anarchists and Pirates (the party kind) are welcome, too.
>>>>> Nihilists, trolls, chronic naysayers, and people who write nastygrams on
>>>>> lists are emphatically not. And as before, our goal is to create a space
>>>>> for thoughtful conversation for people from across the tech ecosystem.
>>>>> This time around, we also want the list to be fertile ground for
>>>>> collective action. We’ve fixed some technical glitches, we've kicked off
>>>>> some trolls, and we're going for a kinder atmosphere, where an
>>>>> inexperienced person could bring a promising idea for feedback, support,
>>>>> and constructive criticism. Unlike some social media platforms, you can
>>>>> explain your controversial idea completely and get thoughtful feedback.
>>>>> Unlike some other places, we've got a wildly diverse group here, many with
>>>>> a decent sense of humor, who are, in general, actually doing the work
>>>>> they discuss.
>>>>> Consider re-engaging with this list--post, comment. What are you
>>>>> working on? What are you obsessed with? What is keeping you awake at night?
>>>>> We’re also recruiting new subscribers who are creative, smart,
>>>>> technical (or non-technical) and affable, so please spread the word.
>>>>> We're re-launching the list starting now.
>>>>> To subscribe: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt
>>>>> Your in liberation,
>>>>> Kate Krauss
>>>>> Digital rights advocate
>>>>> Yosem Companys, PhD
>>>>> Stanford Researcher
>>>>> --
>>>>> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from any major
>>>>> commercial search engine. Violations of list guidelines will get you
>>>>> moderated: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt. Unsubscribe,
>>>>> change to digest mode, or change password by emailing
>>>>> lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org.
>>>> --
>>>> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable. List rules:
>>>> https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt. Unsubscribe, change to
>>>> digest mode, or change password by emailing
>>>> lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org.
>>> --
>>> *¡El sol de Venezuela nace en el Esequibo!*
>>> María Ángela Petrizzo Páez
>>> about.me/petrizzo
>>> <https://about.me/petrizzo?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=edit_panel&utm_content=plaintext>
>>> Descárgate Redes para la Comprensión de la Política
>>> <http://www.elperroylarana.gob.ve/redes-para-la-comprension-de-la-politica/>
>>> *A quienes conservan la esperanza que no es lo último que se pierde,
>>> sino lo primero que se siembra y, por tanto, lo más radical.*
>>> El único modo de vencer el secuestro del conocimiento
>>> es comprender sus razones.
>>> La manera de revertirlo,
>>> es hacernos hackers de los secuestros cotidianos
>>> a cambio de no morir sin saber lo que somos
>>> ¡Piensa para vivir,
>>>         actúa para hackear!
>>> Cada día, una acción procomún a la vez.
>>> *“Tengo horror de aquellos cuyas palabras van más allá que sus actos”*
>>> *Albert Camus*
>>> *“El poder, lejos de estorbar al saber, lo produce.” - **Michael
>>> Foucault*
>>> Usuario Linux # 498889
>>> Miembro Red de Politólogas - #NoSinMujeres
>>> <http://www.nosinmujeres.com/>
>>> https://hotelescuela.academia.edu/MariangelaPetrizzoPaez
>>> http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9483-4185
>>> PEII - Nivel B
> --
> *¡El sol de Venezuela nace en el Esequibo!*
> María Ángela Petrizzo Páez
> [image: https://]
> [image: https://]about.me/petrizzo
> <https://about.me/petrizzo?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=edit_panel&utm_content=plaintext>
> Descárgate Redes para la Comprensión de la Política
> <http://www.elperroylarana.gob.ve/redes-para-la-comprension-de-la-politica/>
> *A quienes conservan la esperanza que no es lo último que se pierde, sino
> lo primero que se siembra y, por tanto, lo más radical.*
> El único modo de vencer el secuestro del conocimiento
> es comprender sus razones.
> La manera de revertirlo,
> es hacernos hackers de los secuestros cotidianos
> a cambio de no morir sin saber lo que somos
> ¡Piensa para vivir,
>         actúa para hackear!
> Cada día, una acción procomún a la vez.
> *“Tengo horror de aquellos cuyas palabras van más allá que sus actos”*
> *Albert Camus*
> *“El poder, lejos de estorbar al saber, lo produce.” - **Michael Foucault*
> Usuario Linux # 498889
> Miembro Red de Politólogas - #NoSinMujeres <http://www.nosinmujeres.com/>
> https://hotelescuela.academia.edu/MariangelaPetrizzoPaez
> http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9483-4185
> PEII - Nivel B
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable. List rules:
> https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt. Unsubscribe, change to
> digest mode, or change password by emailing
> lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org.
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable. List rules:
> https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt. Unsubscribe, change to
> digest mode, or change password by emailing
> lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org.
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