[liberationtech] [TrumanScholars] funds for transporting refugees from border to Germany

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 14:16:49 CET 2022

Dear Willi,

As an American in Germany I can assure you that there’s plenty Germans
cannot or will not discuss, as well as plenty of state-approved censorship.
Look at the draconian NetzDG. Look at what happens in Germany these days if
you dare speak ill of Israel’s occupation.

So please get off your high horse because an American chose to (rightly and
politely) not write in full a word that has been used as a slur against
Black people for more than a century.

Jillian York

On Mon 14. Mar 2022 at 19:48 willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net>

> ".. the N word .."
> Dear Kenoli,
> which N-word can you not write or speak? I grew up in Germany, my
> socialization started with Kant, Marx, Engels, Einstein, C.G.Jung, Fromm
> and others. But even in Germany there is no such thing or I myself never
> experienced this.
> What happens with you in the USA that you have such thinking and
> speaking barriers.
> with kind regards, willi
> Asuncion, Paraguay
> Am 09.03.2022 um 11:13 schrieb Kenoli Oleari:
> > Yes this is a great question.  Russia similarly invaded Afghanistan and
> parts of Syria.  We invaded Iraq and Grenada. Several groups tried to
> exterminate the Kurds and other groups in that region.  And more.  No one
> freaked out about the suffering of people in these countries and even drove
> refugees from there out of Europe and the United States.  These facts in
> the face of the way people are getting disturbed about Ukraine (I am also
> disturbed about Udraine but was similar disturbed about these other
> situations) and not about the suffering in these other countries is hugely
> concerning and speaks pretty directly to racist attitudes in Europe and the
> US.
> >
> > England sent wave after wave of people to the Middle East during the
> crusades and slaughtered people until the blood flowed like water.
> >
> > What can we make of all this?  It is outrageous and unthinkable. How can
> so many humans actually not care about people’s suffering depending on the
> color of their skin.
> >
> > And blacks in this country being killed in routine police events and
> locked up wholesale.  And people up in arms about discussing the issue of
> race with our kids.  Racism causes so much suffering in our country.
> >
> > This list started at Stanford and I don’t know what it’s relationship is
> now to Stanford, but I am involved in running a course at the Graduate
> school of business at Stanford and recently in a GSB dorm the N word was
> written on the walls near a room occupied by a black person and another
> where a white person had a relationship to a Black person.
> >
> > Where does this come from.
> >
> > I know that people of all colors do these things to people of all colors
> as well, but I am white and associate with people who are white who do
> these awful things.
> >
> > It all brings me to tears.
> >
> > —Kenoli
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Mar 8, 2022, at 3:01 PM, bo0od <bo0od at whonix.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> where were you when iraqi/syrian refugees stuck on poland/belarus
> borders? (so many other examples..)
> >>
> >> well they are not christians,blond,blue eyes.. let them die.. not my
> issue.. (are they even considered humans?)
> >>
> >> The unmatched hypocrisy of the west.
> >>
> >>
> >> Yosem Companys:
> >>> lia's
> >>> partner, Sylvain Alarie is taking off work, renting a truck, drivi
> >>
> >> --
> >> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from any major
> commercial search engine. Violations of list guidelines will get you
> moderated: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/lt. Unsubscribe,
> change to digest mode, or change password by emailing
> lt-owner at lists.liberationtech.org.
> >
> >
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable from any major
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