[liberationtech] Wealthy entrepreneurs ask whether you would use a Liberationtech-friendly Twitter clone?

Jenny Ryan jenny at equalit.ie
Thu Apr 28 08:16:43 CEST 2022

I wholeheartedly concur with Marc - but would go a bit further to state 
that such an idealistic endeavor should be collectively owned by the 
people who build and use it, rather than some elite group of wealthy 
individuals. And of course should be FLOSS, decentralized, secure, and 
offline-first (a la Scuttlebutt).

Jenny Ryan
CENO / OuiSync Project Manager, eQualitie
https://censorship.no   ||https://equalitie.org
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On 4/27/22 20:52, Marc Juul wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:35 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>     Dear Liberation Technology community,
>     A group of wealthy serial entrepreneurs who built a Twitter clone
>     to foster civic democracy in the 2020 elections just reached out
>     to me to ask whether you would be interested in using a
>     Liberationtech-friendly Twitter clone now that Elon Musk has
>     bought Twitter. They want to know the following:
>       * Would you use a Liberationtech-friendly Twitter clone?
> Possibly.
>       * What would make you want to use it? Conversely, what would
>         make you NOT want to use it?
> * Fully open source with a copyleft license
> * Openly developed (engaging with community and accepting pull requests)
> * No copyright assignment
> * Full peer to peer, offline and sneakernet capability like 
> scuttlebutt (otherwise why not Mastodon?)
> and ideally:
> * Private groups, communities (groups of groups) and semi-private 
> communities (read-only, write requires auth)
> * Network of trust implementation (e.g. "someone you trust verified 
> that this is a real human")
> * Trustworthy encryption built in
> * Censorship circumvention integration (e.g. via equalit.ie 
> <http://equalit.ie>)
> -- 
> marc/juul
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