[liberationtech] Wealthy entrepreneurs ask whether you would use a Liberationtech-friendly Twitter clone?

Marc Juul juul at labitat.dk
Thu Apr 28 05:52:51 CEST 2022

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:35 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Liberation Technology community,
> A group of wealthy serial entrepreneurs who built a Twitter clone to
> foster civic democracy in the 2020 elections just reached out to me to ask
> whether you would be interested in using a Liberationtech-friendly Twitter
> clone now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter. They want to know the
> following:
>    - Would you use a Liberationtech-friendly Twitter clone?
> Possibly.

>    - What would make you want to use it? Conversely, what would make you
>    NOT want to use it?
* Fully open source with a copyleft license
* Openly developed (engaging with community and accepting pull requests)
* No copyright assignment
* Full peer to peer, offline and sneakernet capability like scuttlebutt
(otherwise why not Mastodon?)

and ideally:

* Private groups, communities (groups of groups) and semi-private
communities (read-only, write requires auth)
* Network of trust implementation (e.g. "someone you trust verified that
this is a real human")
* Trustworthy encryption built in
* Censorship circumvention integration (e.g. via equalit.ie)

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