[liberationtech] Call for papers: "Organizing outside organizations"
Gianluca Miscione
gianluca.miscione at ucd.ie
Thu Mar 18 23:08:00 CET 2021
Please consider submitting your work for this special issue or forward this
invite to who may be interested
Many thanks in advance
Gianluca Miscione
University College Dublin
*Organizing Outside Organizations*
Guest editors:
Barbara Czarniawska - University of Gothenburg
Gianluca Miscione - University College Dublin
Elena Raviola - University of Gothenburg
Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira - EASP-FGV
Emre Tarim - Lancaster University
*For any queries please contact the editors
at organizing-outside at googlegroups.com
We have been studying formal organizations for at least a century, if not
longer, and there is not much that we do not know about them. A recent
phenomenon – the digital transformation of contemporary organizations – has
also attracted much attention, and great many studies were done, with
interesting results. But digitalization opened also wide doors to
organizing outside, oftentimes in spite of, and against, formal
organizations. How do people organize demonstrations in Belarus, in Poland,
or, for that matter, how do The Proud Boys do it in the USA? Indeed, there
is no need for an *a priori* moral evaluation, although *a posteriori* one
is always welcome. We simply need to know more about such informal
organizing, which was always present, but now has become widespread thanks
to globalization and digitalization. After all, it is connecting collective
actions, or “doings” to one another, which is the main trait of organizing.
*Organizations* are legal units; a “network” can exist, yet do nothing; in
order to accomplish anything, good or bad, “doings” are necessary, and they
have to be coordinated, connected, and stabilized – temporarily or for
good. So, to use Bruno Latour's (2013) vocabulary, how are scripts written
and dispatching performed, or in that of Annemarie Mol (2010), how is
ordering (aligning) and coordination done, in informal organizing?
In this Special Issue we invite all texts based on studies that can throw
some light on the phenomenon of organizing outside organizations – both
fieldwork and culture studies are welcome.
Czarniawska, Barbara (2013) Organizations as obstacles to organizing. In:
Daniel Robichaud and François Cooren (eds) Organizations and organizing:
Materiality, agency, and discourse. New York: Routledge, 3–22.
Czarniawska, Barbara (2018) On meshworks and other complications of
portraying contemporary organizing. In: Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk and Frode
Mellemvik (eds), *Dealing with expectations and traditions in research*.
Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 109–127.
Dibbel, Julian (2012) Internet freedom fighters build a shadow web.
*Scientific **American*, 16 February.
Harré, Rom and Secord, Paul F. (1972) *The explanation of social behaviour*.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Jemielniak, Dariusz (2014) *Common knowledge? An ethnography of Wikipedia*.
Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Latour, Bruno (2013) *An inquiry into modes of existence*. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Mol, Annemarie (2010) Actor-network theory: Sensitive terms and enduring
tensions. *Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozia*lpsychologie,
50(1): 253–269.
Scott, James C. (2012) *Two cheers for anarchism*. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
Shirky, Clay (2008) *Here comes everybody: The power of organizing without
organizations.* London: Allen Lane.
Taylor, James R. and Van Every, Elizabeth J. (2000) *The emergent
organization. Communication as its site and surface*. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Weick, Karl E. (1979) The social psychology of organizing. New York:
Wiener, Norbert (1948) *Cybernetics: or the control and communication in
the** animal and the machine*. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Deadline for full paper submission: 30 September 2021
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you carefully read and
adhere to puntOorg philosophy and puntOorg guidelines for pIJ authors
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