[liberationtech] 5g health effects?

3gg 3gg at shellblade.net
Mon Mar 1 01:09:27 CET 2021

I mean peer reviews do matter, so to some extent, signatures are part of 
science. And there seems to be a lot of it from the link he shared earlier:



Do you have any concerns with those studies and the results?

I also don't understand the last part; if RF exposure does have adverse 
health effects, what exactly is the net win, and for whom?


On 2/28/21 3:55 PM, Bill Woodcock wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 12:36 AM, Greg <greg at kinostudios.com> wrote:
>> This letter signed by some 300k+ people
> Signatures =/= science.
>> includes links to studies showing supposed adverse health effects.
> Straw man.  The question isn’t whether RF exposure has adverse health effects, the question is whether reducing that exposure is a net win or a net loss.  Those who are not innumerate tend to go for the “net win” side of that equation.
>                                  -Bill
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