[liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
Peter Jones | Redesign
peter at redesignnetwork.com
Sun Jan 3 20:47:50 CET 2021
We are probably all advocates for appropriate (and transgressive) technologies for freedom – but whose freedom? Freedom from what? Who are the well-funded organized forces that restrict or deny freedom?
The US,UK and NATO have been the world’s leading actors against peoples – called “regimes” when they are targets, But these are nations with their own rights, deep historical cultures and mix of peoples with their own rights. Perhaps they are uninterested in the political subservience demanded by our “total spectrum dominance.” Perhaps their needs for liberation technology would be to be free from the hegemony of Silicon Valley social media platforms, surveillance capitalism, DARPA-funded tools used in countries being regime-changed by hybrid warfare. How can they liberate themselves with any such tools that might instead foreclose their political self-determination?
Our advocacy, if we are to advocate, must provide for tools that are not tethered to our intelligence and foreign policy cutouts, which range from Palantir to Google search, from FB Beacon to Alphabet’s Jigsaw, to the political bias of Paypal and Patreon, who deny customers who have “problematic” political affiliations (by that I mean populism, not terrorism). It is perhaps more important to nations at risk to hear from scholars and technologists who are warning them of consequences to data use and privacy for the opaque, closely-held tech tools developed by the US. Such as Yasha Levine’s Surveillance Valley, one of many projects I pitched in to help. https://surveillancevalley.com/
I’d be interested to know how you “worked with” the White Helmets, and was it in the country of Syria? I’m sure they appreciated the help, but they are well-funded. Vanessa Bealey (who gives impressive live discussions of her field findings) cites the FCO’s envelope of 69M pounds for Syria ops https://21stcenturywire.com/2017/12/02/white-helmets-local-councils-uk-fco-financing-terrorism-syria-taxpayer-funds/ I have observed our (truly vicious) foreign minister (now Deputy PM) Freeland here in Canada advocate for WH’s and provide funding from the Canadian government. The public appeals and Hollywood strategy seem very much a political campaign to gain compliance with the FCO regime change aims.
The UK Foreign Commonwealth Office, and through Operation Mayday, had funded the Mesurier/White Helmets outfits very generously. The FCO is not known to be humanitarian but to lead foreign interventions, now often through information warfare projects such as Bellingcat, and the Integrity Initiative - a rathe widespread fake-journalism project led through the Institute for Statecraft. Locating, unveiling and criticizing these government ops are just as critical as locating and inventing better “libtech.” Since the government at first denies, then reshuffles these ops when discovered, its just as critical to liberation that we reveal the minefields in information war as that we provide clear and unbiased technical leadership to help individuals anywhere live without foreign intervention or the threat of proxy warfare (“rebels”) destroying their lives, homes, and heritage as in Syria.
As journalists have shown the WH’s are only “first-responding” in places where Al Qaeda and Al Nusra Front, HTS, Jayesh al Islam and other foreign-led infiltrators dominate the location. In everyday Syrian cities, they have an actual Syrian Civil Defense and they are the first responders, and the WHs are never filmed in these locations. Therefor they have little popular support.
Their training for field response has been shown to be rather problematic – their ops at the Khan Sheikoun “sarin” attack site shows them in unzipped hazmat suits and touching supposedly contaminated materials with bare hands. (This field intervention was another one Bellingcat got tossed in, actually) https://www.mintpressnews.com/have-we-been-deceived-by-the-opcw-on-the-syria-sarin-attack/231949/
The journalists covering these issues certainly aren’t political partisans – Aaron Mate and Vanessa Bealey are as left as you can get, and Aaron has stayed doggedly on the OPCW case: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/01/03/opcw-chief-dodges-questions-on-syria-cover-up-after-new-leaks-attacks-on-whistleblowers/ Gareth Porter and Whitney Webb in Mintpress are not particularly partisans. There are also righties taking this on (I suppose Russia Insider).
My main point again is that today’s media ecology is itself the battlefield - and the lib tech needed – that we are not providing or advising - are for tools and safe online platforms. Certified spy-free comms systems for journalists and individuals in battlefield locations – such as Damascus and Beirut – to protect themselves and communicate with each other and the world, without being spied or collected by US intel ops, whether they are hiding behind drone consoles or fancy titles as special staff in Twitter, Facebook, and Google / Jigsaw.
Again, sorry for the length if one is not interested. In my view, however – these arguments are the point of Lib Tech – if we don’t ask the difficult ethical questions, who else will?
Best regards, Peter Jones
From: Joseph Pollack <josephrichardpollack at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2021 3:27 AM
To: Sawsan Gad <sawsangad at gmail.com>
Cc: peter at redesignnetwork.com; Richard Brooks <rrb at g.clemson.edu>; LT <lt at lists.liberationtech.org>; Domestic Caverns <domestic.caverns at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
Hey there folks, so i actually worked with the white helmets, as liberation tech . what i did was provide mapping services ... what i can tell you is that these are all just red cross and ambulance style first responders, mostly underfunded until they werent, often targetted by the assad regime, and obviously not the driving part of a chemical weapon ploy, but for sure and like most responding organisations that actually do good the victims of disinformation by bad actors (actually there is such a thing!) that contrary to them dont depend on a good reputation. I'm really impressed by the number of amazing critical thinkers on this thread that all theyve been able to do is take war crimes and try to blame it on first responders... plenty of examples where bad actors use chemical weapons and shoot down planes full of civilians. To go back to the russian army shooting down a plane where actually my malasian rasta friend died (omg not a spy!) , there were two plane in the same coordinates at different heights , seeing as how that missile shoots shrapnel to cause damage, maybe the russian army just didnt set the right altitude there, if they had and struck the other plane, that one was russia-bound and full of russians... the perfect pretext for a full scale invasion, which is how we commonly start wars here in Europe. My simple point is this : you like the bad actors so much , but i really like liberation tech much more , i remember when this list was useful for folks learning about how to use technology for freedom. Now all i see is off topic nonsense and all too frequently inane apologies for war criminals and war crimes. You cant be getting paid enough for this, check out the Spunik V vaccine team composition, why join this activity
On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 8:20 AM Sawsan Gad <sawsangad at gmail.com <mailto:sawsangad at gmail.com> > wrote:
Peter --
I read all your messages in detail and every line of it. You made a very strong point, and I am very passionate about the issue, because I'm stung with it in different sectors as well, with government operatives/appointees posing as scientists (including the health sector --> read "covid", but we won't go there). I currently have no answer as to how to handle the misinformation war as a private citizen.
Also, my comment about Snopes was in fact in support of the point you're trying to make: the compliance of the so-called fact-checkers. These people pretend to be all-out activisty and passionate about the truth, but in fact they perpetrate the most sinister and dark agendas of the establishment out there. Bellingcat is also case in point.
As Glenn Greenwald rightly noted, those who are pretending to fight disinformation are in fact the very same operatives hired to propagate disinformation. It's very systematically clear for me, I stopped consuming corporate media and social media altogether. I have developed my own methods now for finding out the truth about things, but I choose not to disclose it because I'm very paranoid now that these people simply contaminate every stream of (what one judges to be) the most accurate account of the facts.
Thanks, Sawsan
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On Sat, Jan 2, 2021 at 12:30 PM Peter Jones | Redesign <peter at redesignnetwork.com <mailto:peter at redesignnetwork.com> > wrote:
This discussion is totally missing the point. YOU brought Snopes up as a response to my post. Snopes or other media have no bearing at all on the independent investigators I have cited. The original claim was about Bellingcat. I have shown that they are supported by – if not funded by – the Atlantic Council (NATO) through their DRFL project. Not a word from anyone about that. So where I have not made my case?
The Snopes thing is what you – not open -minded at all – used to slam my points about Bellingcat with a non-issue that had nothing to do with my proof of Bellingcat’s relationship to the military complex.
This is not about the veracity of a so-called fact-checker. Snopes would not be online all these years if they were wrong about issues that are readily resolvable within the scope of media access.
My point is about the capture of corporate media, and the compliance of so-called fact-checkers, to our own massive security state. The Congress that just overrode Trump’s veto of the $750B (or whatever) NDAA to ensure the spice keeps flowing to military junkets in congressional districts.
Foreign policy is the fog of war. The fact that not one respondent is familiar with the OPCW scandal – the international Org for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The whistleblowers, who were the Syrian field FFM team - demonstrated by assays that the White Helmets and BBC videos were wrong - there was no chlorine attack. This supports the Syrian government’s position. It defeats the Anglo-US NATO claim decisively. The Director General – a political appointee and not a field chemist , assayer, or reporter who visited Syria – is denying the multiple whistleblowers, including the founding Dir General of OPWCW – who have all tried - at huge personal risk - to expose the institutional corruption of NATO on the OPCW. Its is perhaps the most significant institutional scandal of our time – its as if the ICC were found to ignore evidence by one side so they could make a political case out of an international war crime.
THIS is the issue I’m claiming Bellingcat is complicit with. I don’t really care what you guys think of Snopes at all. This represents anti-critical thinking and it’s a strategically distracting issue. Its like a news org’s “whataboutism” (what about that these other posts we found, they were wrong b/c see how they were actually staged, therefore everything else they said was wrong as well). That has nothing to do with my post and the references. You didn’t bother to read about Bellingcat and the OPCW controversy. Its complex. I am not going to glibly summarize years of field reporting, field analysis, chemical studies and indy journalism beyond the Bellingcat argument and refs if you're interested.
That’s why I’m ready to bail.
Best, Peter
From: LT <lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org <mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org> > On Behalf
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
If only it were that simple!
Off the top of my head I'd say that Snopes was probably accurate 80% or more of the time.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 6:16 PM Sawsan Gad <sawsangad at gmail.com <mailto:sawsangad at gmail.com> > wrote:
With what I've learnt in the past few years: Anything Snopes says is wrong, is most likely correct. :-)
I now use them for fact-checking in the opposite direction. If Snopes says no, then the truth is yes. If Snopes says yes, then the truth is no. :-)
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On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 9:04 PM Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org <mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org> > wrote:
Peter --- It's quite possible that I weigh in in the future on this but for now don't quit the list because of my ignorance!
I actually try to some degree to understand a bit of what's actually going on. It's not easy. I also hope that well-meaning people with lack of knowledge can participate in these discussions. I prefer people holding that role to true believers, professional dissemblers, and super spreaders.
I'm opposed to much of US foreign policy and I obviously am way in the dark on a large percentage of it. My sense is, however, that the US is not the only "bad guy" out there. In fact I'd like to think that the US can be something of a "good guy" on occasion.
I'll look into the beyond war perspective. Is this the same group that was active in the 80's (or thereabouts)?
— Doug
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 4:53 PM Peter Jones | Redesign <peter at redesignnetwork.com <mailto:peter at redesignnetwork.com> > wrote:
You are seriously citing “Snopes” in a list that purports to engage scholarship into serious surveillance, security technology or (in this case) foreign policy issues?
Perhaps you didn’t look at any of the references I cited. The most significant issue with Bellingcat is that they are funded and sponsored by a NATO advisory. It is their job to disinform. That is how wars are promoted when you are the aggressor.
Higgins has been caught outright lying about his relationship with the FCO and government funding by Hitchens and others on Twitter. These are not arguments, they are misrepresentations.
The critical issue here is the cover-up. The lead OPCW field chemist who led the fact-finding mission for the Douma Syria report verified that there was no indication of a chorine “chemical weapons” attack on the purported site. There were two dozen children’s bodies placed in the basement, that were claimed as victims, but they did not die of chlorine. There was no chlorine beyond the level found in normal household use.
But the field investigation team’s unanimous findings were deliberately misreported by the OPCW by their (Bush appointed) Dir General, who publicly claimed there was a confirmed chorine release. Which is not revealed by the field findings. That is the real political scandal.
The filed team did not state that the filmed scene was staged – that’s outside the purview of OPCW. But that is also the subject of Patrick Watson’s analysis BTW. Read some of the painstaking analysis and you will see why this is suppressed, and why I think very poorly of “Snopes” who is enabling (our) war crimes here.
Snopes is also partisan and unreliable in a media ecology that is now hopelessly divided and divisive. Its as much of an establishment tool as exists in the US/UK universe of bought-reporting.
If this level of insight on the list persists - I’ll just going to quit the list. I don’t have the time to waste on “liberation tech” that finds favour with the MIC/NATO establishment and its media trolls and is uninterested in learning from actual citizen-led independent investigations. And that are in apparent uncritical support of the $2 trillion / year US/NATO war system that uses mercenary “terrorists” to create events that justify its attacks and regime change programs. Who did you think is paying for the surveillance systems that this list was set up to intervene? Its all the same Five Eyes.
I recommend to those interested in our new approach to the peace movement, to find the report on Global Security System at World Beyond War https://worldbeyondwar.org/alternative/
Wishing everyone peace in your own communities in the New Year.
From: LT <lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org <mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org> > On Behalf
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
Thanks Tom.
That seems to clear up some things.
— Doug
On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 5:17 PM Domestic Caverns <domestic.caverns at gmail.com <mailto:domestic.caverns at gmail.com> > wrote:
Hi Peter,
I’m not sure if this is what you’re referring to regarding the white helmets, but here is some fact checking on them as a hoax:
On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 2:45 PM Peter Jones | Redesign <peter at redesignnetwork.com <mailto:peter at redesignnetwork.com> > wrote:
Hi Richard - Its interesting you'd suggest Bellingcat on this list (Liberation Tech) as an exemplar for investigative techniques that purport to identity motive and source. In my observation of their work, they have the resources to conduct very sophisticated study - because that are a dedicated insider info ops (hybrid warfare) group of the NATO-sponsored Atlantic Council - their DFRL organization https://www.digitalsherlocks.org
Bellingcat started up two days before the infamous MH17 airliner shootdown in Ukraine 7.17.2014 (a problematic case that is still definitely unresolved in the Dutch special court). They immediately entangled themselves in evidence production from the "fog of war" among the various actual investigators on the ground. Their notoriety and founding were started up in sync with this event, which would give them interesting context for their own motives.
The founders Higgins and Toler are senior fellows at the NATO DFRLab https://www.digitalsherlocks.org/360-os-2018 which verifies not necessarily a guarantee of income, but at least the level of establishment of their primary client. I’d suspect they aren’t hurting for a job.
The goals of the DRFL program are ostensibly to "counter disinformation." But the explicit means of doing so are to construct preferred information that is certified by their vast network of the military complex that requires such "bottom up" narratives to justify their own interventions and weaponization of social media. After all Obama shelled out $250M in his last gift to the Mil Complex December 2016. Also for “countering (primarily Russian) disinformation” which is a neat way of saying “creating disinformation for the public.” All US wars have been started and justified by such information ops long before kinetic actions, and this was done with newspapers before electronic media.
Put your McLuhanist hats on. Who has the most to gain from these operations? Who has skin in the game and who is paying for these investigations? Who is working at their OWN risk and conscience to develop and expose (or whistleblow) truthful reporting?
The anti-Bellingcats are actual citizen sleuths such as Northern Ireland’ Patrick Watson, who was disgusted by what he saw as obvious fake videos with the White Helmets, used to promote the Syrian “chemical weapons” videos. He did hos own research and blew open quiet a bit of trouble.
His website https://hiddensyria.com/ covers a number of his investigations – he’s clearly not a “Russian” anything, as I’ve followed his work from the very first tweet I think (I happened to see his easily outbursts) AND he doesn’t’ have a lot of followers. A troll tries to sensationalize and get a lot of attention. Philip has also worked hard, and at risk, to show the OPCW organization is at fault for covering up their field evidence that exonerates the Syrian government, a very inconvenient finding. There are whistle-blower memos and support from the founding OPCW General Director for their exposure. It’s a significant scandal, and on this issue Bellingcat is arguing (and was caught fabricating) for the establishment, again, and every time, for the wars.
I would also confirm regard for the small UK academic team, the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media that has done open sources and deep investigative reporting on the Syrian hoaxes and White Helmets (along with Vanessa Bealey's fieldwork).
has also been heavily attacked by mainstream reporters, (Guardian types) and 77th Brigade (the British military info ops soldiers) https://syriapropagandamedia.org/ Because they have been on-0tagert, the BBC and Guardian have smeared their work on front page stories to try to recover their Syrian war “information superiority.” In the shadowy world of information ops, this is a war on real people. And the establishment will lose, over time, regardless of how many more millions they throw at 77th Brigades and projects like the UK’s FCO-sponsored Integrity Initiative https://syriapropagandamedia.org/the-integrity-initiative
Humans with a conscience will always eventually win on social media, as the war narrative is always a drumbeat of the same talking points and arguments. Reality is complex, ambiguous, and subject to surprises – which is what we see in the citizen reporter stories.
As a professor I would at least present students with case studies from “both sides.”
To a more peaceful 2021, Peter Jones
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-----Original Message-----
From: LT <lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org <mailto:lt-bounces at lists.liberationtech.org> > On Behalf Of Richard Brooks
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 2:39 PM
To: Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org <mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org> >; Richard Brooks <rrb at g.clemson.edu <mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu> >
Cc: LT <lt at lists.liberationtech.org <mailto:lt at lists.liberationtech.org> >
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
The idea of thoughts and ideas being similar to a biological ecosystem has been around for a while. I think that Richard Dawkins, William S. Burroughs, and Robert Anton Wilson all have legitimate claims to having originated the idea. (It is likely to have roots in antiquity somewhere.)
The US does have a certain anti-intellectualism deep in its subconscious and at least one (nameless) political party has worked hard to delegitimize science (evolution, economics, climate change, ...).
That this would lead eventually to people being susceptible to having their innate biases exploited by other actors, is not surprising.
Social media has exacerbated the process.
One idea that I have been playing with is trying to introduce somewhere in curricula having students use tools/techniques like those used by Bellingcat to determine the source and motivation of online campaigns.
I really am impressed by Bellingcat.
On 12/30/20 2:12 PM, Doug Schuler wrote:
> An article in the recent Science magazine talked about a “syndemic”
> which
> "is the intersection of two epidemics—two diseases ravaging a
> population at the same time, exacerbating each other. HIV weakens the
> immune system, for instance, which makes people more likely to develop
> tuberculosis. The world witnessed some- thing similar this year. We
> live in an eco-system that allows viruses to cross from wildlife to
> humans more often and spread farther and faster than ever before—that
> gave us SARS-CoV-2. But the virus emerged in an information ecosystem
> that helps misinformation and lies spread faster than scientific
> evidence, weakening our ability to respond to new threats. That made
> the pandemic far worse."
> <https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/370/6523/1395.full.pdf> https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/370/6523/1395.full.pdf
> Without necessarily buying into the entire metaphor it seems pretty
> useful, bringing up concepts susceptibility, vulnerable populations,
> super spreaders, mode of transmission, and, of course, inoculation.
> It also fits well into my investigations into civic intelligence which
> I believe is threatened like other natural resources. And if it gets
> too low, our ability to address our problems cooperatively becomes
> ever more helpless.
> I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
> — Doug
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 8:49 AM Richard Brooks <rrb at g.clemson.edu <mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu>
> < <mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu> mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu>> wrote:
> Interesting.
> <https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/2/21278601/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-tr> https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/2/21278601/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-tr
> ump-posts-employee-call-fact-checking-voter-misinformation
> <https://faculty.lsu.edu/fakenews/elections/thethreatofqanon.php> https://faculty.lsu.edu/fakenews/elections/thethreatofqanon.php
> <https://www.france24.com/en/20201006-qanon-conspiracies-go-global-in-p> https://www.france24.com/en/20201006-qanon-conspiracies-go-global-in-p
> andemic-perfect-storm
> <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1329334?jour> https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1329334?jour
> nalCode=rics20
> <https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radi> https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radi
> cal.html
> On 12/23/20 4:31 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> > The Invisible Influence of Big Tech on Politics & Elections - Allum
> > Bokhari #Deleted
> > <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJfGphZBmQ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJfGphZBmQ
> > #Deleted: Big Tech's battle to erase the trump movement and steal
> the election
> > <https://deletedbook.com/> https://deletedbook.com/
> >
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Douglas Schuler
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Douglas Schuler
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Douglas Schuler
<mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org> douglas at publicsphereproject.org
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