[liberationtech] Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat Feb 6 02:32:50 CET 2021

For the past 7 months, a group of us has been working on a report titled
"Defund Big Tech, Refund Community: Another Tech is Possible”. In this
report, we dive into the history of public investment in technologies at
the foundation of Big Tech, and the imbalances between these investments
and the returns to the public sector. We delve into the problematic labor
and user relations underlining the value-creation machine Big Tech has
assembled, and the perverse social and environmental costs of these
socio-technical systems. We set out arguments for why Big Tech should be
defunded, and offer potential actions Big Tech companies, governments and
policymakers, tech workers, researchers, civil society organizations,
social movements and individual citizens could take to redirect resources.
We end by offering prospects for what refunding community could look like, *how
another tech is possible.*

We hope you can read it, it is posted here
https://techotherwise.pubpub.org/defund-big-tech. Please feel free to share
across your network.


— Doug

PS. We also started a Tech Otherwise channel which we're hoping we can put
to good use as time goes on. The results of two other workshops are also on
the channel.

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

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