[liberationtech] Censorship: ShadowGate Documentary Banned by FaceBook and YouTube

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 07:24:08 CEST 2020

On 8/31/20, bo0od <bo0od at riseup.net> wrote:
> Video seems to be deleted as well in banned.video ?

That's why when hot material comes out,
people really should download and save
a copy, and distribute copies around the
net and onto the overlay networks.
Else things will disappear forever.

Many things posted have already disappeared.

Regardless of whatever content or whether or not any
agree with it, things have much value to some number of people
(including those taken often dire risks to make and release it),
and also much historical value and context.

People asking about link status that they already observed are broken
doesn't help that.
Do something instead, go search for it, find, download and save, reup,
and post the links.

>> https://banned.video/watch?id=5f37fcc2df77c4044ee2eb03 ShadowGate
>> Documentary Full Version

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