[liberationtech] Censorship: ShadowGate Documentary Banned by FaceBook and YouTube

bo0od bo0od at riseup.net
Tue Sep 1 01:16:11 CEST 2020

Video seems to be deleted as well in banned.video ?

> https://banned.video/watch?id=5f37fcc2df77c4044ee2eb03 ShadowGate
> Documentary Full Version
> Just another in the long list of now many many hundreds
> of well documented cases of censorship of peoples
> voices and content around the world. Such shutdowns,
> censorship and narrative steering control, rapidly accelerating
> in the last five years alone.
> Regardless of whatever book, film, dataset, voice...
> Such GovCorp Media and Political censorship is why you
> need fully encrypted distributed P2P and even guerilla
> radio and physical transport networks.
> And why you need to spam random surface dwellers with
> random links to them.
> Whether presenting different ideas, say CryptoAnarchism,
> or your own truths, no one will see them when they're censored
> or they don't know where to go to freely browse a wide range of
> things new to them, buy and sell physibles in open markets, etc.
> There's a reason these ridiculous censorious power and control structures
> don't want you to see, hear, read, posess, and consume things...
> you might wake up and rightly revolt against or ignore them,
> reaching unto a greater state of liberation for all.
> Your freedom is something they are not willing to grant.
> Seek it out.

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