[liberationtech] Reddit rewrites history by excluding Aaron Swartz

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 02:01:44 CEST 2020

It's not just Aaron,
People have been systematically obliterated throughout history

In addition to being forgotten/deleted, people have their work (say their
important contributions) attributed to others in a system which is designed
to manipulate and influence by distorting deleting or misrepresenting

Person X  does something really good, they get deleted and the good
attributed to someone else who can better serve
the system - nobody is going to notice or if they do, they ll forget it
after some time

Most Historical archives have been constructed in this way are are largely

But I have to say, that to state that the blockchain can fix this evil is
also a gross misrepresentation

The blockchain has been heavily publicized as the medicine for all kinds of
social, economic and political
evil, but having looked at it, I can inform that it is the evil system
playing the same old trick under
a new buzzword

Historical Manipulators are very uncanny are they are hiding behind the
blockchain to sell you their evil

They are on this list too -   they are insiders and know how to rig people
s opinions

This has also been done historically-  they create a situation of evil then
will sell a solution for it, but both the evil and the solution
have been engineered by whosoever is manipulating the system
For example, they kill all the natural crops so that they can sell the
genetically engineered crop they create

It is happening everywhere, it has been going on for a long time
Lets try to stay lucid and on top of whatever is happening



On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 12:03 AM Karl <gmkarl at gmail.com> wrote:

> What's missing from the alarm is that it is, obviously, not just reddit
> that it is doing this.  It is happening everywhere in a lot of different
> ways, and many people are still unaware of this.
> The proposed alternative, https://github.com/ruqqus/ruqqus is open
> source, which is a wonderful step up from reddit.  Since many people won't
> be leaving reddit, ideally it would have a way for reddit themselves to
> easily migrate to it.
> Meanwhile there are numerous decentralized and blockchain-based discussion
> systems, one of the largest being https://steemit.com/ .  Making one of
> these look just like reddit would not be a difficult job, and censorship
> would be much easier to prevent.
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2020, 11:53 AM bo0od <bo0od at riseup.net> wrote:
>> Welcome to USA
>> Yosem Companys:
>> >
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/j4fsi1/reddit_rewrites_history_by_excluding_aaron_swartz/
>> >
>> >
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