[liberationtech] Reddit rewrites history by excluding Aaron Swartz

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 18:01:46 CEST 2020

What's missing from the alarm is that it is, obviously, not just reddit
that it is doing this.  It is happening everywhere in a lot of different
ways, and many people are still unaware of this.

The proposed alternative, https://github.com/ruqqus/ruqqus is open source,
which is a wonderful step up from reddit.  Since many people won't be
leaving reddit, ideally it would have a way for reddit themselves to easily
migrate to it.

Meanwhile there are numerous decentralized and blockchain-based discussion
systems, one of the largest being https://steemit.com/ .  Making one of
these look just like reddit would not be a difficult job, and censorship
would be much easier to prevent.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020, 11:53 AM bo0od <bo0od at riseup.net> wrote:

> Welcome to USA
> Yosem Companys:
> >
> https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/j4fsi1/reddit_rewrites_history_by_excluding_aaron_swartz/
> >
> >
> --
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